Is the Be Everywhere Approach a Smart Online Marketing Strategy? – Business 2 Community

Does your online marketing strategy have the following?

If you have all three youre probably nodding along and smiling at how youve checked all the boxes. But what if I told you that wasnt enough to get your business found online today?

Its time to go beyond the basics with your online marketing strategy and should you have to be everywhere to do so?

I recently read an eBook, The Everywhere Brand: Embracing the Universe Beyond Your Website (and App), by best-selling authors Jay Baer and Jeffrey K. Rohrs.

The eBook details the basic online marketing strategy and how it has changed.

These savvy authors say its time to think differently about how you engage customers online. And I agree.

Here are just a few of the ways online marketing has pivoted:

Jay and Jeffery define an Everywhere Brand as:

The Everywhere Brand is a brand whose digital knowledge the factual assets about a company that capture consumer attention exists consistently and accurately in a great many online locations, not just on a corporate website and app. This universal approach ensures that The Everywhere Brand serves customers on the digital planets they frequent, translates into a better brand experience, and drives more business opportunity.

The biggest point they underscore is that most website visits are 10-seconds or shorter in duration, and they are often referred by search engines.

7 Key Traits Of Brands Being Everywhere

Our authors also insist that if you want to be a be everywhere brand you must have the following seven traits.

1) You must be customer-centric. In other words, do you really know how your customers see you? How do they search for your brand online? How do they use search, maps, digital directories (think search engines and AI, like Siri or Alexa? Voice search now matters!

2) Be Active. Are you actively updating all of the information thats available online and through digital media to reflect your brands most current information? Because there are hundreds of digital areas that provide information on your company (maps, directories, search engines, social networks, GPS, etc.) this is no easy task.

Webcast, June 21st: 5 Keys to Operational Excellence

3) Organization. (DUH!) Outdated data and the cure to being everywhere means you have to put the three things to work:

4) Thinks in real-time. With 71% of all online searches happening in real-time through mobile devices, your be everywhere brand must also happen in real-time. When weather, illness, or other emergencies take place, are you prepared? Is your data instantly updated?

5) Is granular with their data. Taking a page from SEO, you know how important it is to stand out and be different. Meaning you have to get down to the nitty-gritty with your data and be AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE when putting information about your brand on the world wide web.

6) Is always responsive. Do actively solicit reviews for your company? Do you always respond to those reviews, even if theyre negative? You should! Feedback can be hard to swallow but responsive, be everywhere brands look at feedback as a way to improve.

7) Strives to be innovative. Granted, this is easier said than done. Resting on what you have done wont get you anywhere. Youve got to be a risk taker, make plays, run tests, and constantly be looking for whats next in your industry.

If your online marketing strategy is to BE EVERYWHERE thats totally fine (and doable). But you have to own it.

You can do that in three simple steps by:

As Jay and Jeffrey point out in their eBook,

This goes far beyond each locations name, address, phone number, and hours of operation.

If and ONLY IF you are able to make that commitment, go ahead and be a be everywhere brand.

If not, you may want to start taking baby steps to get yourself going in the everywhere direction.

How do you feel about the be everywhere business mentality? Do you agree or disagree, and why?

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Is the Be Everywhere Approach a Smart Online Marketing Strategy? - Business 2 Community

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