SMBs Divided On The Effectiveness Of Google My Business

In January, we published the findings of the 2014 SMB Internet Marketing Survey.

In this post, I am going to share the result of further analysis from the same survey, this time comparingthedata for certain Industries and their attitudes, spend andcommitment to internet marketing.

The industries covered are selected based on the number of respondents within each industry. In total, we had 736 SMBs complete the survey from over 30 different industries.

We have only included analysis for 15 industries that had at least 20+ respondents. We felt that if an industry had below 20, we couldnt trust the data; anomalies would have too great an impact on the averages and would skew the results.

The following 4 charts represent some of the key findings from this deeper analysis.


We can see a broad distribution of marketing budget allocation to online across the industries studied, ranging from 25% to 70%.

Its not surprising that Web DesignersandMarketing Businesses spend the majority of their marketing budgets online they understand the channels, they know how to get good ROI and so they invest in it.

Here is the original post:
SMBs Divided On The Effectiveness Of Google My Business

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