Using Walls as Your Canvas – The Suburban Times

Sometimes you can see the writing on the wall. You can stop and think about what it means, and other times you can simply enjoy the paintings you see and dream.

Archaeology reveals that cave paintings and figures of art first appeared nearly 40,000 years ago. Art is still with us. Our daughter Andrea painted our living room with clouds and sky for the ceiling. Visitors to our home are always surprised and awed. Sharing art and beauty is a wonderful gift to explore and give.

Downtown Tacoma has a number of interesting murals on exterior walls. They brighten the scenery and amuse daily visitors. The word amuse come from the middle French word to divert the attention, beguile, delude. In other words, amuse means to change focus and enjoy.

There is a new mural on the wall at 23rd and Pacific. Its painted by lindsay moore and her husband, who is known as Gator_Mouf (

Lindsay says, We are just trying to beautify the city with the pandemic and protesting going on. Hopefully no more damage will be done. Its nice to drive by and see beautiful art on these boards.

Lindsay, reveals, Painted with my love for the last few evenings. I learned how to spray paint. Most know i work with brushes. Hand def hurts. Lindsay says, We also did one for jade gardens in Seattle id town. After they were broken into in the beg of the pandemic.

Lindsay also does commercial work and says, I did an 8 room day care center in Bremerton of characters for the little kids.

Art is always an opportunity to share and think . . . and look at life from a different perspective.

Artistry from the soul by lindsay moore


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Using Walls as Your Canvas - The Suburban Times

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