Unmasking Iran’s strategy to take over the Middle East – Ynetnews
Iran is spending billions of dollars to enact a four-part strategy to dominate the Middle East. The plan has been in place for years and is now showing clear-cut results.
On September 26, 2020, Commodore Ali Fadavi, the deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) the regimes sponsor of non-state armed groups provided some figures about Irans effort to erect a "Resistance Front" to confront Israel and oust the United States from the Middle East.
Interviewed on Irans state TV channel Ofogh, he was asked, From the beginning, when we got involved in the Resistance Front, how much do you think we spent? The numbers are very low, a lot less than the war (with Iraq which he put at $19.6 billion between 1980-1988) but the results (have been significant)."
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Iran spent more than $16 billion on support for the Assad regime
Of course, this and many other statements of Irans officials must be taken with great skepticism. For example, Iranian lawmaker Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh was quoted by Irans media in May of that year as saying that Tehran might have spent between $20 billion and $30 billion just on its involvement in Syria, where Iranian-backed forces and militia have propped up the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Whatever the exact figures, this question naturally arises what did Iran accomplish through these malign investments?"
The short answer is that Irans money financed a highly productive strategy to project its power in the Middle East at the expense of Israel and the United States. The goal is twofold by carving a zone of influence, the Islamic Republic is seeking to protect the Shia regime from the surrounding Sunni-dominated countries.
Irans money financed a highly productive strategy to project its power in the Middle East at the expense of Israel and the US. By carving a zone of influence, the Islamic Republic is seeking to protect the Shia regime from the surrounding Sunni-dominated countries
It is also bent on exporting its Islamic Revolution in line with the ideology of its founder Ruhollah Khomeini, who wrote We export our revolution to the whole globe because our revolution is Islamic, and until the call of No god but Allah, and Mohammad is Allahs prophet is not reverberated throughout the globe there will be struggle, and until the struggle against the arrogant is found all over of the globe, we will be standing.
Under this vision, which is also codified in the Iranian constitution, there is simply no place for Israel or the U.S. in the Middle East.
To carry out this decree Iran has increasingly used four elements in the pursuit of its grand design:
The use of proxies in war is a practice with long historical roots. The Iranian innovation in this respect is not only the development of multiple proxy forces spread over a large geographical area, but also intensive effort to coordinate between them so they can collaborate operationally during conflict.
Irans proxies have been built up as a deterrent vis-a-vis Israel and the U.S. Hezbollah especially serves as Irans second-strike force in case Israel dares attack its nuclear installations
Iran is using its proxies in two main capacities. First, these terrorist formations are the driving force behind the forging of its regional geopolitical construct. They are also meant to impede any attempt to interfere with Tehrans sinister design as it is being erected.
As Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei put it on June 3, the Hamas October 7 onslaught on Israel had happened exactly at the moment the region needed it, when there had been a plan by the U.S., Zionist individuals, their followers and some of the regions countries to change the equation in the region Operation Al-Aqsa Flood [Hamas codename for the October 7 attack] disrupted the Zionist regimes comprehensive plan to dominate the politics and economy of the entire region of West Asia, and there is no hope that they will be able to revive this plan.
Interestingly, the Palestinian Authority Presidency indirectly confirmed Irans proxy strategy of using other agents for its own purposes when it denounced Khamenei's comments the same day. It issued a statement saying that the Palestinians are the first to be affected by this war (in Gaza) which has shed their blood and that Khameneis comments clearly announce that (Irans_ goal is to sacrifice the blood of Palestinians and to destroy Palestinian land.
Secondly, Irans proxies have been built up as a deterrent vis-a-vis Israel and the U.S. Hezbollah especially serves as Irans second-strike force in case Israel dares attack its nuclear installations.
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Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
However, given the current intensification of Hezbollahs attacks on Israels north and the marked increase in the chances of full-scale war breaking out, this deterrent function could be transforming. The escalation may indicate Iran now believes its own capabilities are sufficient to dissuade Israel from such an adventure. Alternatively, Tehran may have concluded that after October 7, Israel is no longer the threat it once was especially as it is preoccupied militarily on several fronts.
Importantly, the use of proxies is not only for the purpose of shielding Iran from possible retribution and affording the mullah's deniability. The maneuver provides a strategic advantage. Proxy use allows Iran to flaunt the rules of war while shirking responsibility as those doing the actual fighting are autonomous subnational groups.
The targets of this strategy, which are uniformly states, are in turn confronted with another difficulty associated with engaging in asymmetric warfare. Accordingly countries, especially those signed on to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, are expected to follow the rules of war even when fighting terrorist armies even though the latter are bound by no such commitment.
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They hope that their opponents become the subject of international censure and possible sanctions. International Court of Justice, Haugh
(Photo: EPA/Koen van Weel)
In addition, Mossad said that Iran is trying to take advantage of the wave of global antisemitism relating to the war in Gaza to recruit a variety of new kinds of proxies to carry out its terror attacks globally.
While Israel has been spending billions on the acquisition and development of ultra-tech weapons to maintain the IDFs qualitative superiority, Iran, operating under severe international sanctions, went the opposite way. It opted to engage in low-tech warfare both in terms of tactics and weaponry. In effect, what is unfolding currently in the Middle East is a veritable test of the familiar quantity vs. quality contest.
Operationally, Irans strategy is based first and foremost on the seemingly unending supply of shahids (martyrs) who are ready, either as true believers or because of mercenary motives, to wage jihad. Armed mostly with cheap personal weapons (e.g. AK-47s, RPGs, IEDs, etc.) they are backed by similarly rudimentary strategic weapons like drones, dumb rockets, anti-tank guided missiles mortars, and (mostly) low-accuracy (or statistical) heavy ground-to-ground missiles. Mobility is provided by Toyota pickup trucks, motorbikes and hand gliders. The armaments are procured en masse so that, while unable to defeat the enemy, the combination of seemingly inexhaustible manpower and firepower can attrite it over time.
For example, aiming strategic arms at civilian population centers is carried out with the clear knowledge that while the damage they inflict directly is often marginal, the fallout these low-tech weapons cause in terms of interrupting ordinary lives in the target communities is consequential.
Aside from their tactical futility, the firings of such rockets and missiles often trigger a powerful response, yet the continued launching of these weapons is meant to signal an unyielding readiness to fight to the finish and be undeterrable despite the power imbalance. The aim is to cause desperation among the enemy ranks as it faces an unending conflict.
Indeed, IDF soldiers fighting in Gaza have discovered Iranian-supplied Russian-made rockets with their safety mechanism disabled to enable attacks on IDF soldiers from short range. True to form, the practice is prevalent even though the removal of the safeguard endangers the operator, and the attacker is often quickly eliminated.
A derivative of the primitive warfare concept is the underground dimension of the conflict which is designed to overcome the dramatic asymmetry in the above-ground capabilities. In essence, the aim is to turn the subterranean theater of operation into the central battlefield to improve the odds against the IDF.
According to the New York Times on January 16, 2024, Israeli defense officials estimated that Hamas tunnels in the Strip measure between 350 and 450 miles (560 and 720 km) in a territory thats just 25 miles long. By comparison, the London Underground is only 249 miles long. Some of Gazas tunnels are wide enough for cars; some are more than 150 feet deep; some serve as munitions depots; others are comfortably command bunkers designed to withstand a prolonged war.
Israeli officials also reportedly estimate that there are 5,700 separate entrances to the tunnels many of them with access from civilian houses and some directly beneath hospitals, which in some cases were also used as a Hamas command center, according to U.S. intelligence.
The tunnels investigated by the soldiers of the Yahalom Unit in Jabaliya
In total, Hamas has turned the Gaza Strip into a gigantic military fortress purpose-built to attack Israel, endure Israeli retaliation, and interpose civilian lives and infrastructure as part of its means of defense.
Hezbollah, Irans main proxy is believed to have a similarly extensive tunnel network if not a more elaborate one.
Further, the principle of quantity over quality also inspires the Iranian strategy of confronting Israel with a multiplicity of resistance fronts both above and underground. The fronts encompass myriad forms with the overarching objective of toppling Israel, including by targeting its links to its strategic allies.
An open letter dated May 25, from Irans Khamenei to students protesting the Gaza war on U.S. campuses, attests to the Iranian strategy of seeking to proliferate the number of fronts aimed to undermine Israels superiority, including by subverting its sources. Khamenei wrote the students have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front (against) the brutal Zionist terrorist network
The Western-crafted rules of warfare are the cornerstone of the Islamist battlefield tactic which systematically uses them to its advantage. It is unclear to what extent Islamists break the rules of warfare as an indication of their general rejection of the Western world or because of tactical necessity given the asymmetry in the military balance. Still, it is indisputable that Iran-sponsored jihadist armies like Hamas and Hezbollah take the Western norms of conflict as signaling their enemys weakness and irresolution if not downright dimwittedness.
As long as the enemy adheres to the canons of war, the resistance can leverage the same rules as force multipliers. If, on the other hand, the rules are breached, they are hoping for an international outcry that would force a halt to military operations
As the Gaza campaign and the ongoing attrition war against Hezbollah have proven any notion that the IDFs military superiority can afford such giveaways is sorely mistaken and ends up costing soldiers lives. On the contrary, the self-imposed restraints exercised by the IDF are exploited by its Islamist enemies as a strategic equalizer that bolsters their chances vis-a-vis a formidable opponent.
Indeed from the Islamists perspective, it is a win-win situation. As long as the enemy adheres to the canons of war, the resistance can leverage the same rules as force multipliers. If, on the other hand, the rules are breached, which is almost inevitable given the terrorist armies favorite tactic of using the population as human shields, they are hoping for an international outcry that would force a halt to military operations. The pause is invariably used to regroup and rearm for another try.
Thus, in their strategy, Irans terrorist armies take full advantage of the laws of warfare applying only to sovereign states. The IDFs prolonged campaign in Gaza in the pursuit of demolishing Hamas military capabilities could thus be an important test of a counter-strategy, if realized.
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The results of Hamas embedding among the civilian population
(Photo: Omar Al Qatta / AFP)
Given this systematic militarization, it will not be an exaggeration to conclude that the rules of warfare, through their wholesale and deliberate upturning, provided the basis for Hamas battlefield doctrine and for turning the entire Gaza Strip into a terrorist encampment both above and underground. Paradoxically, this also indicates the IDFs adherence to the rules, otherwise, the entire Hamas posture of embedding among the civilian population would have come to naught even if conceived.
This is perhaps the most important principle as it is designed to assure the unending pursuit of the goals irrespective of cost. Simply put, confronting superior military forces like the IDF without the religious-ideological indoctrination of its adherents would normally not be even conceived, let alone tried. In effect, what terrorist armies lack in armaments and professionalism, Iran is supplanting with motivation aimed to generate zealousness and undetectability.
In line with this reasoning, the IRGC trains recruits and Shia militias in an expansionist and combative worldview, encouraging them to give their lives in pursuit of a cause that purportedly seeks to correct injustices toward Muslims beyond Irans borders.
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Khamenei called on American students protesting the Gaza war on their campuses to become familiar with the Quran.
As Khamenei himself wrote in 2016, If in the Revolutionary Guard there is not strong ideological-political training, then (the) IRGC cannot be the powerful arm of the Islamic Revolution.
The Iranian leader must have been satisfied when he heard Hussein al-Mousawi, a spokesperson for Nujaba, one of Irans proxies in Iraq, telling Reuters on June 4, We, as a resistance, do not fear the consequences as long as we are in the right
From the outset, the fight against Israel and the West in general is cast in religious terms as a war against infidels who wronged the Islamic nation (Ummat al-Islam). Khamenei's comments immediately following the October 7 monstrosity summed up the crux of this thinking thoroughly when he said the attack shows the power of Islam.
Not surprisingly he also called on American students protesting the Gaza war on their campuses to become familiar with the Quran.
The Iranian power projection strategy exhibits a deep appreciation of the psychological dimension of the fight both in terms of ones own troops and the stamina of the enemy. Consequently, Irans proxy attacks seek entirely different aims than the military objectives pursued by Israel and other Western opponents. While the IDF and modern armies in general aim to destroy an enemys ability to fight, Islamists are fighting to undermine Israelis will to fight. In turn, primitive weapons that inflict indiscriminate damage are not only sufficient but preferable as they are meant to terrorize the civilian population.
Victimhood is celebrated and numbers of dead and wounded are often fabricated to accentuate sacrifice and stoke the fires of hate toward the occupiers of al-Aqsa. The goal is to mobilize the population and assure its commitment to the cause.
Khamenei, in fact, told Hamas Haniyeh during their meeting in Tehran on March 26, The propaganda and media activities of the Palestinian resistance have been very good so far, and ahead of the Zionist enemy [Israel], and more action should be taken in this field.
Yet, hitting hi-tech targets and those symbolizing the prowess of the IDF (e.g. Merkava tanks or hi-tech intelligence gathering installations and sophisticated drones) is a priority. The message is that these assets are just a faade of power and will not bring victory or stand up to the warriors of Allah on his divinely mandated missions.
In this vein, the introduction by the Israeli army of some robotic-operated weapon systems, specifically the unmanned M-113 armored personnel carriers (APC), into the Gaza war to transport explosives, was propagandized as evidence of its soldiers cowardice. Accordingly, the use of robots signifies an IDF attempt to evade a direct engagement with the gallant soldiers of Hamas.
Iranian regime reduces presence in syria
On May 31, the military spokesperson of the Houthis in Yemen Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree claimed his forces launched a missile attack in the direction of the U.S. aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to U.S. and British strikes on Yemen. The fact that a U.S. defense official told Reuters they were not aware of any attack on the Eisenhower is, of course, utterly immaterial. The aim is to convince the believers and their enemies of the power of the resistance and its endurance regardless of the odds, as well as to demonstrate the flimsiness of the usurping oppressors most powerful weapons.
After all the Houthis official slogan is Death to America/Death to Israel/Curse Upon the Jews/ Victory to Islam.
The culmination of this psychological warfare is the routine of posting a victory photo involving shooting at an IDF position or the firing of some leftover rocket at an Israeli community after the fighting had been concluded. While outsiders may scoff at the practice, Irans Islamist armies are unflagging in their determination to use the practice to prove they had won the engagement even if the act itself causes little damage and a harsh Israeli reprisal is forthcoming. The idea is to communicate to various audiences that a superior force like the IDF is, in fact, incapable of defeating the resistance, let alone defending Israel. Given the immense power imbalance, terrorist armies are fully aware that to claim victory they only need to survive (usually with the help of third powers.)
Clearly, Iran and its Islamist proxies are heavily reliant on propaganda and indoctrination as a central element in their arsenal. It is a critical component meant to compensate for their military deficiencies when it comes to confronting a powerful enemy like Israel and which an activist power projecting strategy would normally require.
As a testimony to their manipulative and deceitful practices, Islamists do not rely solely on indoctrination, however. Just in case the martyrdom glorifying doses proved an insufficient motivator, the addictive, synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant captagon, known as the Islamic State drug, was reportedly used by jihadists to prevent fear and fatigue during fighting in Syria and Iraq. Hamas terrorists who carried out the October 7 massacre were found to be under the influence of the drug with pills of captagon having been recovered from the pockets of many who were killed inside Israel.
It must be recognized that Iran has developed a successful strategy to carve for itself an expanded zone of influence in the Middle East. In effect, the Islamic Republic has already captured four Middle Eastern countries Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen since it took power in 1979all without itself engaging in war.
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(Illustration: TICP, Uri Fink and Vladik Sandler)
Still, Irans regional scheme may now face its first real test. In the wake of October 7, Israel, through its wars against Hamas and Hezbollah, is effectively threatening to block and possibly roll back the entire Iranian geopolitical design. Israel is currently acting to dismantle the tangible aspects of Irans power projection strategy, which are being overtly employed to not only devastate the Jewish state but are hyped as a means to escalate and broaden the resistance.
However, winning the conflict, as opposed to winning the war against Iran, cannot be accomplished unless Israel effectively confronts the religious-ideological dimension of the struggle as well. Victory will certainly not be achieved as long as the IDF continues to act contrarily and enshroud its operational successes, especially in the north, out of concern that advertising its accomplishments would force Hezbollahs hand.
Although it is perhaps the most challenging task, the draw of countering systematically the soft power component of Irans sinister grand design is its potential to destabilize the mullah regime itself. Moreover, pursuing such a perception-management campaign across the region would not be affected by the vagaries often associated with the U.S. elections schedule.
Yet time is of the essence. In the absence of a comprehensive Israeli strategy to defeat the Iranian grand scheme, Khamenei's June 3 boast that the Zionist regime is gradually melting before the eyes of the people of the world, could become sufficiently convincing for the mullahs to try and deliver a coup de grace to the Jewish state.
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Unmasking Iran's strategy to take over the Middle East - Ynetnews
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