Agrometeorological Monitoring Bulletin in Iraq – April 2017 – ReliefWeb


Large sectors of Iraq received above average precipitation in April when compared to the monthly long-term average (LTA) of 2011-2016. However, below average rainfall amounts were observed in crop-growing governorates, including most areas of Dahuk, Kirkuk and Babil, as well as parts of Ninewa. Salah al-Din, Sulaymaniyah and Anbar. Precipitation levels in these areas were generally lower compared to the same month last year.

Harvesting of winter barley and wheat planted in November-December, generally occurs in late April-early May. The April ASI indicates increased greenness in cropland areas of the country with the exception of the major cereal-growing governorate of Ninewa and parts of Anbar. The impact of crop stress in the latter areas may be in fact less than expected as crops are already ripening, and close to harvesting. Reduced greenness could also be observed in parts of northern governorates, including Dahuk, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. The ASI depicts signs of first harvesting in crop-growing areas of Babil and Bagdad as from the first dekad of April.

Please note that since the ASI is based on remotely sensed data only, there is no confirmation on what crops have been planted.

Read more here:
Agrometeorological Monitoring Bulletin in Iraq - April 2017 - ReliefWeb

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