G7, Black Sea Initiative, Iraq & other topics – Daily Press Briefing – UN Web TV

The Secretary-General departs today for the Group of Seven Summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

For the first time since 4 May, the Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) agreed to authorize new vessels to participate in the Black Sea Initiative. While we welcome this partial resumption of inbound movement activity, we call on the parties to ensure that the authorization of new vessels is done for all three ports to make use of capacity and meet industry demands.

On the response to Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar, where a massive clean-up effort is underway, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) today said that in many parts of Rakhine State and the northwest, electricity and telecommunications services are still down. Critical supplies including fuel and clean water are urgently needed.

This morning, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, told the Security Council that Iraq has a full to do list and narrow or partisan actions will not help in checking it off.

Over the last few days, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) responded to alerts of the presence of CODECO members in several villages of Djugu territory in Ituri province. UN peacekeepers immediately deployed to the areas, prompting the assailants to flee the scene.

In Sudan, the UN continues to scale up deliveries of life-saving assistance to those in need. The World Food Programme (WFP) says it has now reached more than 300,000 people since restarting emergency distributions in Sudan two weeks ago.

In Somalia, the UN has stepped up assistance after massive flooding left a trail of destruction across the country. The World Food Programme (WFP) is distributing 90 tonnes of high energy biscuits in isolated flood affected areas and cash assistance to more than 62,000 people in Belet Weyne, one of the most impacted districts.

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G7, Black Sea Initiative, Iraq & other topics - Daily Press Briefing - UN Web TV

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