Iraq | Infoplease
Iraq, a triangle of mountains, desert, and fertile river valley, is bounded on the east by Iran, on the north by Turkey, on the west by Syria and Jordan, and on the south by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. It is twice the size of Idaho. The country has arid desert land west of the Euphrates, a broad central valley between the Euphrates and the Tigris, and mountains in the northeast.
The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein collapsed on April 9, 2003, after U.S. and British forces invaded the country. Sovereignty was returned to Iraq on June 28, 2004.
From earliest times Iraq was known as Mesopotamiathe land between the riversfor it embraces a large part of the alluvial plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
An advanced civilization existed in this area by 4000 B.C. Sometime after 2000 B.C., the land became the center of the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian empires. Mesopotamia was conquered by Cyrus the Great of Persia in 538 B.C. and by Alexander in 331 B.C. After an Arab conquest in 637640, Baghdad became the capital of the ruling caliphate. The country was pillaged by the Mongols in 1258, and during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries was the object of Turkish and Persian competition.
Nominal Turkish suzerainty imposed in 1638 was replaced by direct Turkish rule in 1831. In World War I, Britain occupied most of Mesopotamia and was given a mandate over the area in 1920. The British renamed the area Iraq and recognized it as a kingdom in 1922. In 1932, the monarchy achieved full independence. Britain again occupied Iraq during World War II because of its pro-Axis stance in the initial years of the war.
Iraq became a charter member of the Arab League in 1945, and Iraqi troops took part in the Arab invasion of Palestine in 1948.
At age 3, King Faisal II succeeded his father, Ghazi I, who was killed in an automobile accident in 1939. Faisal and his uncle, Crown Prince Abdul-Illah, were assassinated in July 1958 in a coup that ended the monarchy and brought to power a military junta headed by Abdul Karem Kassim. Kassim reversed the monarchy's pro-Western policies, attempted to rectify the economic disparities between rich and poor, and began to form alliances with Communist countries.
Kassim was overthrown and killed in a coup staged on March 8, 1963, by the military and the Baath Socialist Party. The Baath Party advocated secularism, pan-Arabism, and socialism. The following year, the new leader, Abdel Salam Arif, consolidated his power by driving out the Baath Party. He adopted a new constitution in 1964. In 1966, he died in a helicopter crash. His brother, Gen. Abdel Rahman Arif, assumed the presidency, crushed the opposition, and won an indefinite extension of his term in 1967.
Arif's regime was ousted in July 1968 by a junta led by Maj. Gen. Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr of the Baath Party. Bakr and his second in command, Saddam Hussein, imposed authoritarian rule in an effort to end the decades of political instability that followed World War II. A leading producer of oil in the world, Iraq used its oil revenues to develop one of the strongest military forces in the region.
On July 16, 1979, President Bakr was succeeded by Saddam Hussein, whose regime steadily developed an international reputation for repression, human rights abuses, and terrorism.
A long-standing territorial dispute over control of the Shatt-al-Arab waterway between Iraq and Iran broke into full-scale war on Sept. 20, 1980, when Iraq invaded western Iran. The eight-year war cost the lives of an estimated 1.5 million people and finally ended in a UN-brokered cease-fire in 1988. Poison gas was used by both Iran and Iraq.
In July 1990, President Hussein asserted spurious territorial claims on Kuwaiti land. A mediation attempt by Arab leaders failed, and on Aug. 2, 1990, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait and set up a puppet government. The UN unsuccessfully imposed trade sanctions against Iraq to compel withdrawl. On Jan. 18, 1991, UN forces, under the leadership of U.S. general Norman Schwarzkopf, launched the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm), liberating Kuwait in less than a week.
The war did little to thwart Iraq's resilient dictator. Rebellions by both Shiites and Kurds, encouraged by the U.S., were brutally crushed. In 1991, the UN set up a northern no-fly zone to protect Iraq's Kurdish population; in 1992 a southern no-fly zone was established as a buffer between Iraq and Kuwait and to protect Shiites.
Beginning in 1990, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions that barred Iraq from selling oil except in exchange for food and medicine. The sanctions against Iraq failed to subdue its leader, instead causing catastrophic suffering among its peoplethe country's infrastructure was in ruins, and disease, malnutrition, and the infant mortality rate skyrocketed.
The UN weapons inspections team mandated to ascertain that Iraq had destroyed all its nuclear, chemical, biological, and ballistic arms after the war was continually thwarted by Saddam Hussein. In Nov. 1997, he expelled the American members of the UN inspections team, a standoff that stretched on until Feb. 1998. In Aug. 1998, Hussein again put a halt to the inspections. On Dec. 16, the U.S. and Britain began Operation Desert Fox, four days of intensive air strikes. From then on, the U.S. and Britain conducted hundreds of air strikes on Iraqi targets within the no-fly zones. The sustained low-level warfare continued unabated into 2003.
After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President Bush began calling for a regime change in Iraq, describing the nation as part of an axis of evil. The alleged existence of weapons of mass destruction, the thwarting of UN weapons inspectors, Iraq's alleged links to terrorism, and Saddam Hussein's despotism and human rights abuses were the major reasons cited for necessitating a preemptive strike against the country. The Arab world and much of Europe condemned the hawkish and unilateral U.S. stance. The UK, however, declared its intention to support the U.S. in military action. On Sept. 12, 2002, Bush addressed the UN, challenging the organization to swiftly enforce its own resolutions against Iraq, or else the U.S. would act on its own. On Nov. 8, the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution imposing tough new arms inspections on Iraq. On Nov. 26, new inspections of Iraq's military holdings began.
The UN's formal report at the end of Jan. 2003 was not promising, with chief weapons inspector Hans Blix lamenting that Iraq appears not to have come to a genuine acceptance, not even today, of the disarmament that was demanded of it. While the Bush administration felt the report cemented its claim that a military solution was imperative, several permanent members of the UN Security CouncilFrance, Russia, and Chinaurged that the UN inspectors be given more time to complete their task. Bush and Blair continued to call for war, insisting that they would go ahead with a coalition of the willing, if not with UN support. All diplomatic efforts ceased by March 17, when President Bush delivered an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein to leave the country within 48 hours or face war.
On March 20, the war against Iraq began at 5:30 A.M. Baghdad time (9:30 P.M. EST, March 19) with the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom. By April 9, U.S. forces had taken control of the capital, signaling the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime. Although the war had been officially declared over on May 1, 2003, Iraq remained enveloped in violence and chaos. Iraqis began protesting almost immediately against the delay in self-rule and the absence of a timetable to end the U.S. occupation. In July, the U.S. administrator for Iraq, Paul Bremer, appointed an Iraqi governing council.
Months of searching for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction yielded no hard evidence, and both administrations and their intelligence agencies came under fire. There were also mounting allegations that the existence of these weapons was exaggerated or distorted as a pretext to justify the war. In fall 2003, President Bush recast the rationale for war, no longer citing the danger of weapons of mass destruction, but instead describing Iraq as the central front in the war against terrorism. A free and democratic Iraq, he contended, would serve as a model for the rest of the Middle East.
Continued instability in 2003 kept 140,000 American troops (at a cost of $4 billion a month), as well as 11,000 British and 10,000 coalition troops in Iraq. The U.S. launched several tough military campaigns to subdue Iraqi resistance, which also had the effect of further alienating the populace. The rising violence prompted the Bush administration to reverse its Iraq policy in Nov. 2003; the transfer of power to an interim government would take place in July 2004, much earlier than originally planned.
After eight months of searching, the U.S. military captured Saddam Hussein on Dec. 13. The deposed leader was found hiding in a hole near his hometown of Tikrit and surrendered without a fight. Found guilty of crimes against humanity for the execution of 148 Shiite men and boys from the town of Dujai, Saddam Hussein was hung in Dc. 2006. He was executed before being tried for innumerable other crimes associated with his rule.
In Jan. 2004, the CIA's chief weapons inspector, David Kay, stated that U.S. intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was almost all wrong. When the final report on the existence of these weapons in Iraq was issued in Oct. 2004, Kay's successor, Charles Duelfer, confirmed that there was no evidence of an Iraqi weapons production program.
The turmoil and violence in Iraq increased throughout 2004. Civilians, Iraqi security forces, foreign workers, and coalition soldiers were subject to suicide bombings, kidnappings, and beheadings. By April, a number of separate uprisings had spread throughout the Sunni triangle and in the Shiite-dominated south. In September alone there were 2,300 attacks by insurgents. In October, U.S. officials estimated there were between 8,000 and 12,000 hard-core insurgents and more than 20,000 active sympathizers. Loosely divided into Baathists, nationalists, and Islamists, all but about 1,000 were thought to be indigenous fighters.
Reconstruction efforts, hampered by bureaucracy and security concerns, had also fallen far short of U.S. expectations: by September, just 6% ($1 billion) of the reconstruction money approved by the U.S. Congress in 2003 had in fact been used. Electricity and clean water were below prewar levels, and half of Iraq's employable population was still without work. In April, the U.S. reversed its policy of banning Baath Party officials from positions of responsibilitythe U.S. had previously fired all high-ranking members and disbanded the Iraqi army, affecting about 400,000 positions, depleting Iraq of its skilled workforce, and further embittering the Sunni population.
In late April, the physical and sexual abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad came to light when photographs were released by the U.S. media. The images sparked outrage around the world. In August, the Schlesinger report's investigation into Abu Ghraib (the furthest reaching of many Pentagon-sponsored reports on the subject) called the prisoner abuse acts of brutality and purposeless sadism, rejected the idea that the abuse was simply the work of a few aberrant soldiers, and asserted that there were fundamental failures throughout all levels of command, from the soldiers on the ground to Central Command and to the Pentagon.
On June 28, 2004, sovereignty was officially returned to Iraq. Former exile and Iraqi Government Council member Iyad Allawi became prime minister of the Iraqi interim government, and Ghazi al-Yawar, a Sunni Muslim, was chosen president.
On July 9, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a unanimous bipartisan report, concluding that most of the major key judgments on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were either overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence report. The report also stated that there was no established formal relationship between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. The following week, Britain's Butler report on prewar intelligence echoed the American findings.
Iraq's Jan. 30, 2005, elections to select a 275-seat national assembly went ahead as scheduled, and a total of 8.5 million people voted, representing about 58% of eligible Iraqis. A coalition of Shiites, the United Iraq Alliance, received 48% of the vote, the Kurdish parties received 26% of the vote, and the Sunnis just 2%most Sunni leaders had called for a boycott. In April, Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, became president, and Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a religious Shiite, became prime minister. The elections, however, did not stem the insurgency, which grew increasingly sectarian during 2005 and predominantly involved Sunni insurgents targeting Shiite and Kurdish civilians in suicide bombings. The death toll for Iraqi civilians is estimated to have reached 30,000 since the start of the war.
By December 2005, more than 2,100 U.S. soldiers had died in Iraq and more than 15,000 had been wounded. The absence of a clear strategy for winning the war beyond staying the course caused Americans' support for Bush's handling of the war to wane. The U.S. and Iraqi governments agreed that no firm timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops should be set, maintaining that this would simply encourage the insurgency. Withdrawal would take place as Iraqi security forces grew strong enough to assume responsibility for the country's stability. As Iraqis stand up, Americans will stand down, Bush stated. But the training of Iraqi security forces went far more slowly than anticipated. A July 2005 Pentagon report acknowledged that only a small number of Iraqi security forces were capable of fighting the insurgency without American help.
In Aug. 2005, after three months of fractious negotiations, Iraqi lawmakers completed a draft constitution that supported the aims of Shiites and Kurds but was deeply unsatisfactory to the Sunnis. In October, the constitutional referendum narrowly passed, making way for parliamentary elections on Dec. 15 to select the first full-term, four-year parliament since Saddam Hussein was overthrown. In Jan. 2006, election results were announced: the United Iraqi Alliancea coalition of Shiite Muslim religious parties that had dominated the existing governmentmade a strong showing, but not strong enough to rule without forming a coalition. It took another four months of bitter wrangling before a coalition government was finally formed. Sunni Arab, Kurdish, and secular officials continued to reject the Shiite coalition's nomination for head of stateinterim prime minister al-Jaafari, a religious Shiite considered a divisive figure incapable of forming a government of national unity. The deadlock was finally broken in late April when Nuri al-Maliki, who, like Jaafari, belonged to the Shiite Dawa Party, was approved as prime minister.
On Feb. 23, Sunni insurgents bombed and seriously damaged the Shiites' most revered shrine in Iraq, the Askariya Shrine in Samarra. The bombings ignited ferocious sectarian attacks between Shiites and Sunnis. More than a thousand people were killed over several days, and Iraq seemed poised for civil war. Hope in Prime Minister Maliki's ability to unify the country quickly faded when it became clear that he would not abandon his political ties with Moktada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite cleric who led the powerful Madhi militia. Maliki seemed unwilling or incapable of reining in the rapidly proliferating Shiite death squads, which have kidnapped, tortured, and murdered thousands of civilians.
In February, a U.S. Senate report on progress in Iraq indicated that, despite the U.S. spending $16 billion on reconstruction, every major area of Iraq's infrastructure was below prewar levels. Incompetence and fraud characterized numerous projects, and by April, the U.S. special inspector general was pursuing 72 investigations into corruption by firms involved in reconstruction.
In May, a number of news stories broke about a not-yet-released official military report that U.S. Marines had killed 24 innocent Iraqis in cold blood in the city of Haditha the previous Nov. 19. The alleged massacre, which included women and children, was said to have been revenge for a bombing that killed a marine. The marines are also alleged to have covered up the killings. The military did not launch a criminal investigation until mid-March, four months after the incident, and two months after TIME magazine had reported the allegations to the military. Several additional sets of separate allegations of civilian murders by U.S. troops have also surfaced.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and the most-wanted terrorist in the country, was killed by a U.S. bomb. Zarqawi was responsible for many of the most brutal and horrific attacks in Iraq. But his death seemed to have no stabilizing effect on the country. The UN announced that an average of more than 100 civilians were killed in Iraq each day. During the first six months of the year, civilian deaths increased by 77%, reflecting the serious spike in sectarian violence in the country. The UN also reported that about 1.6 million Iraqis were internally displaced, and up to 1.8 million refugees have fled the country.
At the end of July, the U.S. announced it would move more U.S. troops into Baghdad from other regions of Iraq, in an attempt to bring security to the country's capital, which had increasingly been subject to lawlessness, violence, and sectarian strife. But by October, the military acknowledged that its 12-week-old campaign to establish security in Baghdad had been unsuccessful.
In September, a classified National Intelligence Estimatea consensus view of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, signed off by director of national intelligence John D. Negroponteconcluded that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse. By this time, many authorities characterized the conflict as a civil waras one political scientist put it, the level of sectarian violence is so extreme that it far surpasses most civil wars since 1945. The White House, however, continued to reject the term: it would be difficult to justify the role of American troops in an Iraqi civil war, which would require the U.S. to take sides.
The increasingly unpopular war and President Bush's strategy of staying the course were believed responsible for the Republican loss of both Houses of Congress in November midterm elections, and for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld immediately thereafter. In December, the bipartisan report by the Iraq Study Group, led by former secretary of state James Baker and former Democratic congressman Lee Hamilton, concluded that the situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating and U.S. forces seem to be caught in a mission that has no foreseeable end. The report's 79 recommendations included reaching out diplomatically to Iran and Syria and having the U.S. military intensify its efforts to train Iraqi troops. The report heightened the debate over the U.S. role in Iraq, but President Bush kept his distance from it, indicating that he would wait until Jan. 2007 before announcing a new Iraq strategy. On Dec. 31, 2006, the U.S. death toll in Iraq reached 3,000, and at least 50,000 Iraqi civilians had died in the conflictthe UN reported that more than 34,000 Iraqis were killed from the violence in 2006.
In a Jan. 2007 televised address, President Bush announced that a "surge" of 20,000 additional troops would be deployed to Baghdad to try to stem the sectarian fighting. He also said Iraq had committed to a number of "benchmarks," including increasing troop presence in Baghdad and passing oil-revenue-sharing and jobs-creation plans.
The stability of the Iraqi government further deteriorated in August, when the Iraqi Consensus Front, the largest Sunni faction in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet, resigned, citing the Shiite-led government's failure to stem violence by militias, follow through with reforms, and involve Sunnis in decisions on security. August also saw the deadliest attack of the war. Two pairs of truck bombs exploded about five miles apart in the remote, northwestern Iraqi towns of Qahtaniya and Jazeera. At least 500 members of the minority Yazidi community were killed and hundreds more were wounded.
A National Intelligence Estimate released in September said the Iraqi government had failed to end sectarian violence even with the surge of American troops. The report also said, however, that a withdrawal of troops would "erode security gains achieved thus far." By September, the level of fatalities in Iraq had decreased, and President Bush said progress was indeed being made in Iraq, citing the fact that relative peace and stability had come to the once restless Anbar Province in large part because several Sunni tribes had allied themselves with the U.S. in its fight against radical Sunni militants.
In highly anticipated testimony, Gen. David Petraeus told members of Senate and House committees in September that the U.S. military needs more time to meet its goals in Iraq. He said the number of troops in Iraq may be reduced from 20 brigades to 15, or from 160,000 troops to 130,000, beginning in July 2008.
On Sept. 16, 17 Iraqi civilians, including a couple and their infant, were killed when employees of private security company Blackwater USA, which was escorting a diplomatic convoy, fired on a car that failed to stop at the request of a police officer. The killings sparked furious protests in Iraq, and Prime Minister Maliki threatened to evict Blackwater employees from Iraq. In November, FBI investigators reported that 14 of the 17 shootings were unjustified and the guards were reckless in their use of deadly force.
Although 2007 culminated as the deadliest year in Iraq for U.S. soldiers, the U.S. military reported in November that for several consecutive weeks, the number of car bombs, roadside bombs, mines, rocket attacks, and other violence had fallen to the lowest level in nearly two years. In addition, the Iraqi Red Crescent reported that some 25,000 refugees (out of about 1.5 million) who had fled to Syria had returned to Iraq between September and the beginning of December. However, many of these returning refugees found their homes occupied by squatters. In addition, previously diverse neighborhoods had become segregated as a result of the sectarian violence.
On Jan. 8, 2008, Parliament passed the Justice and Accountability Law, which allows many Baathists, former members of Saddam Hussein's party, to resume the government jobs they lost after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. In addition, many former Baathists who will not be permitted to return to their positions are entitled to pensions. The law is the first major benchmark of political progress reached by the Iraqi government. It was criticized, however, for being quite vague and confusing, and because of its many loopholes, more Baathists may be excluded from government posts than will be granted employment.
Parliament passed another round of legislation in February, which included a law that outlines provincial powers, an election timetable, a 2008 budget, and an amnesty law that will affect thousands of mostly Sunni Arab prisoners. A divided Iraqi Presidency Council vetoed the package, however.
In March, about 30,000 Iraqi troops and police, with air support from the U.S. and British military, attempted to oust Shiite militias, primarily the Mahdi Army led by radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr, that control Basra and its lucrative ports in southern Iraq. The operation failed, and the Mahdi Army maintained control over much of Basra. Prime Minister Maliki was criticized for poorly planning the assault. After negotiations with Iraqi officials, al-Sadr ordered his militia to end military action in exchange for amnesty for his supporters, the release from prison of his followers who have not been convicted of crimes, and the government's help in returning to their homes Sadrists who fled fighting. The compromise was seen as a blow to Maliki. In addition, more than 1,000 Iraqi soldiers and police officers either refused to participate in the operation or deserted their posts.
After a boycott of almost a year, the largest Sunni block in Iraq's government, Tawafiq, announced in April that it would return to the cabinet of Prime Minister Maliki. Tawafiq's leader, Adnan al-Dulaimi, said that by passing an amnesty law and launching an assault on Shiite militias, the government had met enough of its demands to end the boycott. In July, Parliament approved the nomination of six Sunni members of Tawafiq to the cabinet.
On Sept. 1, the U.S. transferred to the Iraqi military and police responsibility for maintaining security in Anbar Province, which was, until recently, the cradle of the Sunni insurgency.
For much of 2008, Iraqi lawmakers struggled to pass two pieces of critical legislation: an election law and a status of forces agreement. They managed to approve a scaled-down election law in September that calls for provincial elections to be held in early 2009. Elections, which are seen as vital to moving Iraqi's rival ethnic groups toward reconciliation, had originally been scheduled for Oct. 2008. Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk, however, are postponed until a separate agreement is reached by a committee of Kurds, Turkmens, and Arabs. Kurds dominate the city, but the Turkmens and Arabs have resisted any attempts to dilute their control through a power-sharing plan.
After nearly a year of negotiations with the U.S., the Iraqi cabinet in November passed the status of forces agreement, which will govern the U.S. presence in Iraq through 2011. The terms of the pact include the withdrawal of all U.S. combat troops by Dec. 31, 2011, and the removal of U.S. troops from Iraqi cities by the summer of 2009. In addition, the agreement gives Iraqi officials jurisdiction over serious crimes committed by off-duty Americans who are off base when the crimes occur. Iraqii Parliament must also approve the agreement.
Iraq achieved several milestones in Jan. 2009. On New Year's Day, the government took control of the Green Zone, the heavily fortified area that houses the offices and homes of most American and Iraqi government officials. On January 31, Iraq held local elections to create provincial councils. The elections were notable for their lack of violence and the markedly diminished role the U.S. played in their implementation. Voter turnout varied widely by area, with some regions reporting less than 50% participation and others more than 75%.
In February, President Obama announced his intention to withdraw most American troops from Iraq by August 31, 2010. As many as 50,000 troops, however, will remain there for smaller missions and to train Iraqi soldiers. On June 30, in compliance with the status of forces agreement between the U.S. and Iraq, U.S. troops completed their withdrawal from Iraqi cities and transferred the responsibility of securing the cities to Iraqi troops. Prime Minister Maliki declared June 30 a public holiday called "National Sovereignty Day." The number of suicide bombings had increased in the weeks leading up to the U.S. withdrawal of troops, which raised doubts about the timing of the move.
Two car bombs exploded near the Green Zone in Baghdad on October 25, killing at least 155 people and wounding 700. It was the deadliest attack in Iraq since April 2007. The Islamic State in Iraq, a group linked to al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility. The group has vowed to destabilize the government and disrupt parliamentary elections scheduled for January 2010. Further withdrawal of U.S. combat troops is contingent upon a smooth election process.
Parliament's continued failure to pass an election law also threatened to derail the vote. After missing several deadlines, Parliament approved compromise legislation in November. The main points of contention were whether to have candidates listed by name or political party, and which voter registration list to use in Kirkuk: one from 2005 that included more Arabs and Turkmens, or 2009's, which represented a higher number of Kurds. (Saddam Hussein had expelled tens of thousands of Kurds from Kirkuk and relocated Arabs and Turkmens into the region. After his fall, Kurds returned, and the demographic of the region shifted once again.) Parliament agreed to use the 2009 roll, with oversight by the UN, and Arabs and Turkmens will each be granted an additional seat in Parliament. In addition, legislators also agreed to allow candidates' names to appear on ballots.
Five bombs killed at least 120 people and wounded some 400 at or near government buildings in Baghdad in December 2009. The Islamic State of Iraq al-Qaeda said it carried out the attacks. Authorities suspect that the Sunni insurgents were attempting to discourage cooperation between Shia and Sunnis and destablize the country in the weeks leading up to March's parliamentary elections.
Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was known as "Chemical Ali" and was a cousin and close associate of Hussein, was executed in January 2010 for his role in the 1988 poison-gas attack on the village of Halabja, where 5,000 Kurds were killed. He was also a member of the group of leaders responsible for the deaths of approximately 180,000 Kurds in the Iraq-Iran War.
The electoral process was dealt another blow in January 2010 when a parliamentary panel recommended that 500 candidates (out of a total of 6,500) be banned from participating in the election because of their alleged former association with Saddam Hussein's Baath party. The move outraged many Iraqi Sunnis, who threatened to boycott the elections, and intensified sectarian tension. A panel of seven judges, however, overturned the ban in February but said the candidates who run in the elections may still be investigated later for their ties to the Baath party. The de-Baathification movement was effectively ended in May, when a group of politicians quietly agreed they would not disqualify nine winning candidates with Baathist ties.
Sectarian violence increased in the days leading up to the March 7 election, but the tension was less deadly than widely feared. On election day itself, dozens of bombs exploded in Baghdad. Most were non-lethal, but two killed at least 38 people. Iraq's election commission reported that 62% of Iraqis voted in the election, a lower turnout than in the last parliamentary election, held in 2005. Turnout was around 50% in Baghdad, where the violence was most prominent.
Final results, released in late March, gave the Iraqi National Movement, led by former prime minister Ayad Allawi, 91 seats in Parliament out of 325. Allawi gained traction in the weeks leading up to the election. A secular, nationalist Shiite, Allawi received support from Sunni Muslims, and he fared particularly well in Sunni-dominated central and western Iraq. The State of Law alliance, headed by Prime Minister Maliki came in a close second with 89 seats. Both fell far short of the 163 seats needed to form a majority in Parliament. A Shia religious movement, including followers of radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr, won 70. The two main Kurdish parties together received 43 seats.
Maliki challenged the results, and a recount of votes in the Baghdad region confirmed Allawi's slim lead. In October 2010, Maliki formed an alliance with the Shiite bloc led by al-Sadr, his former rival, which put him close to a majority of seats. Negotiations continued, and American officials strongly urged the Sunnis, many of whom backed Allawi, to remain in the negotiations to be assured a role in the government. An agreement to form a unity government was finally reached in November that allowed Maliki to retain his position as prime minister and the Kurds held on to the presidency. Allawi's coalition, Iraqiya, was promised the role of speaker of the Parliament and leadership of a new committee charged with overseeing security. Parliament approved the government in late December.
On August 31, 2010, more than seven years after the war in Iraq began, U.S. president Barack Obama announced the end of U.S. combat operations in Iraq. Obama emphasized that U.S. domestic problems, mainly the flailing economy and widespread unemployment, are more pressing matters to his country.
As the U.S. was making plans to withdraw troops from Iraq in late summer and fall of 2011, the ongoing insurgent activity in the country cast doubt on the long-term security of the region. This uncertainty was highlighted on Aug. 15, 2011, when insurgents launched more than 40 coordinated attacks throughout the country, mostly on civilians. A total of 89 people died and more than 300 were wounded in the violence, which came in the form of suicide attacks, car bombs, and gunfire. Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia took credit for the attacks, saying they were retribution for the killing of Osama bin Laden. The lethality of the incursions made it clear that Iraq is far from secure and remains a hotbed of terrorist activity.
In outlining his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq, President Obama had planned to keep about 5,000 troops in the country as advisers and trainers, but he reversed the decision in late October when Iraq said the remaining troops would not be given immunity from Iraqi law. About 150 members of the Defense Department staff will remain in Iraq to maintain the security of the U.S. Embassy and the oversee the sale of military equipment to Iraq. In addition, the CIA will maintain a presence in the country.
On December 15, 2011, the U.S.-led war in Iraq officially ended. The war, launched in March 2003 based on faulty evidence of weapons of mass destruction and a dubious connection to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, lasted nearly nine years, killed more than 4,440 U.S. troops, and cost about $1 trillion.
On Dec. 19, 2011, the Iraqi government issued a warrant for the arrest of Tareq al-Hashemi, Iraq's vice president since 2006. Charged with operating death squads responsible for 150 assorted bombings, killings, and assassinations, al-Hashemi denied the accusationsclaiming they were politically motivatedand fled to Turkey. On Sept. 9, 2012, al-Hashemi was sentenced to death by hanging in absentia. The trial stirred up political unrest and ethnic violence. Maliki, who had been seeking to expand control of security in the Kurdish north, sent government troops to the region. The Iraqi and Kurdish troops engaged in a potentially volatile standoff.
In March 2013, ten years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the country remained politically unstable and vulnerable to another civil war, with mounting tensions between Sunnis and Shiites, Arabs and Kurds.
May 2013 witnessed a surge in violent attacks between Sunnis and Shiites when bomb blasts in Sunni areas on the 17th left more than 66 dead. A deadly echo occurred three days later in Shia sections of Baghdad when car bombs killed 76 civilians. On the same day in Shia-predominant Basra, at least 15 were victims in more bomb attacks; and in an area north of Baghdad, 12 Iranian pilgrims were killed.
In July 2013, Al Qaeda in Iraq orchestrated two bold, well-planned prison escapes using both mortar and suicide attacks that resulted in some 800 dangerous militants going free from facilities at Taji and Abu Ghraib. The sophistication of the operation signaled the growing threat from the militant group as well as the weaknesses in Iraq's security forces. The prison breaks coincided with increased car bombings and sectarian violence throughout the country.
In Aug. 2013, during the Eid al-Fitr festivities marking the end of Ramadan, more than 100 Iraqismostly civilianswere killed in sectarian gun and bomb attacks in Baghdad and beyond. Similar violence continued through the end of the year, with the death toll for 2013 reaching close to 9,000, making it the deadliest year since 2008.
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an affiliate of al Qaeda made up of Sunni militantsseveral of whom broke out of prison in 2013, threatened the stability of the country and tested the strength of the Iraqi armed forces at the end of 2013 and into January 2014. Many Sunnis are disappointed with the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Maliki, claiming it has shut out Sunni leaders and targeted Sunni citizens. Such policies have fueled the insurgency. Forty Sunni members of parliament resigned in December. In early January 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja and most of Ramadi, both cities in Anbar Province that are Sunni strongholds and were major battlegrounds during the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Government troops resumed control of Ramadi, but the militants held on to Falluja.
Al Qaeda severed ties with ISIS in early February 2014, citing the group's refusal to comply with directives from Al Qaeda leadership and its insistence on acting independently of other rebel groups. The rift had been simmering for months, but the final straw seemed to be ISIS's defiance of an order to leave Syria from Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri.
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- Frail Egos and Sandpit Colonialism: Australia, the United States and Invading Iraq - CounterPunch - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Iraq turns to Turkmenistan to plug Iranian gas gap - Arabian Gulf Business Insight - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- 36 terrorists neutralized in northern Iraq and Syria - News.Az - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Iraq: Back to the Future - International Policy Digest - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Advisers urged Tony Blair to rein in George W Bush over Iraq war mission from God - The Guardian - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Member of the Indiana National Guard died in Iraq - GIANT fm - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Frail egos and sandpit colonialism: Australia, the US and invading Iraq - Middle East Monitor - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Iranian officer charged with orchestrating murder of US citizen in Iraq - ABC News - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Murder and terrorism charges brought against Iranian officer in 2022 killing of American in Iraq - The Associated Press - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Warfare': A Real-Time Iraq War Combat Film from a Navy SEAL and the Director of 'Civil War' - - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- BP, Iraq agree on technical terms to redevelop Kirkuk oil fields - Reuters - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Iraq begins Gulf Cup 26 campaign with a victory over Yemen - Iraqi News - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope Francis reveals two attempts on his life during 2021 visit to Iraq - CNN - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- First look at Warfare brings viewers into tenacity of Iraq War - Military Times - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope reveals he was almost assassinated in Iraq in 2021 - POLITICO Europe - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope Francis reveals he survived two assassination attempts during visit to Iraq - America: The Jesuit Review - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Ibrahim Al-Sumaidaie, Advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister: Militias in Iraq Should Dismantle and Integrate into the Political System; Our Regime Is in... - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope in autobiography reveals an apparent bombing plot during his 2021 visit to Iraq - The Associated Press - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope Francis reveals he was nearly assassinated during historic Iraq trip - The Catholic Thing - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Pope Francis reveals he survived two threats to his life in Iraq - Catholic News Agency - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Suicide bombers 'planned to attack Pope Francis' on visit to Iraq - Sky News - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- First Warfare trailer paints a harrowing picture of Iraq War combat - Task & Purpose - December 22nd, 2024 [December 22nd, 2024]
- Syrian rebel leader urges Iraq to keep Hashd al-Shaabi factions out of Syria - Reuters - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Trump selects a former soldier and Iraq War veteran to serve as Army secretary - The Associated Press - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Trump picks former soldier and Iraq War veteran to serve as Army secretary - Stars and Stripes - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- 5,000-year-old artifacts in Iraq hint at mysterious collapse of one of the world's 1st governments - Yahoo! Voices - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Iraq PM denies wiretapping allegations as lie of the century - Arab News - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- 5,000-year-old artifacts in Iraq hint at mysterious collapse of one of the world's 1st governments - - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Excavations uncover evidence for the emergence and rejection of the earliest state institutions in Iraq - - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Leader Of Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Signals Expansion Of Military Campaign To Homs; Assures Iraqi Government That War In Syria Will Not Spill Over... - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- PMF head: Increased security readiness along Iraq-Syria border - Al Mayadeen English - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Trump selects a former soldier and Iraq War veteran to serve as Army secretary - Daily Journal - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Deep Dive: Why Trump II may be different for Iran, Iraq - - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Iraq army spox threatens 'military intervention in Syria - The New Arab - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Syrian Rebel Leader Asks Iraq To Stay Out Of Conflict After Victory In Hama - The Times of India - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Iraqi Cleric Al-Sadr: Iraq Should Not Intervene In Syria - Middle East Media Research Institute - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Verdict in Iraq's $2.5bn 'heist of the century' - but where have the rest of the missing billions gone? - The National - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Pro-Iranian militias enter Syria from Iraq to aid beleaguered Syrian army - The Times of Israel - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- 5,000-Year-Old Structures Discovered In Iraq Provide Evidence Of The First-Known Government Collapse In History - All That's Interesting - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Iraq Vows Active Role in Syria Amid Escalating Conflict - - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Trumps pick for Army secretary served in Iraq and was law school classmate of Vance - Washington Times - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- Is Trump Going To Turn The Screw On Iran's Key Criminal Accomplice Iraq - - December 5th, 2024 [December 5th, 2024]
- War hero demands compensation for veterans falsely accused of Iraq atrocities - The Telegraph - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Navy intercepts drone apparently launched from Iraq - The Times of Israel - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- "Iraq ready to respond to any terrorist threats" says Maj. Gen. Rasool - Kurdistan24 - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Iraq tries to stem influx of illegal foreign workers - Al-Monitor - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- BEIT project set to drive decent work and affordable housing in Iraq - ILO - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Albares thanks Iraq for its mediation efforts to contain the regional escalation - The Diplomat in Spain - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- WHO Iraq Gathers National Stakeholders to Develop Country Cooperation Strategy Aligned with Agenda 2030 [EN/AR] - ReliefWeb - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Military dog who served in Iraq reunited with former handler after more than 2 years apart - KFOX El Paso - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Iraq secures its borders with Syria against terrorist threats - Kurdistan24 - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- Aim to contribute to building a unified Iraq where peace and development prevail: Head of the Religious Endowments - - November 30th, 2024 [November 30th, 2024]
- American Humane Reunites Retired Military Working Dog and Hander who Worked Together in Iraq - American Humane - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Trade gap focus in first visit to Spain by Iraq PM - Al-Monitor - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Loved ones make annual trip to Arlington Cemetery grave of FDNY firefighter killed in Iraq - New York Daily News - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Snchez and Prime Minister of Iraq ask the parties to avoid an escalation in the Middle East - The Diplomat in Spain - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Iraq motivated to establish promising partnership with Spain - Iraqi News - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Turkish intelligence eliminates top PKK operative in Iraq | Daily Sabah - Daily Sabah - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Iraq to resume flights to Beirut next week - Rudaw Media Network - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- UK and Iraq strike deal to tackle people smuggling and organised crime networks - The National - November 28th, 2024 [November 28th, 2024]
- Pete Hegseths Army unit in Iraq was rocked by a war-crimes case - The Washington Post - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Iraq, hacks and the Kingfish: The scandal that could bring down Prime Minister Sudani - Middle East Eye - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Jordan reach FIBA Asia Cup 2025 after Saudi Arabia comeback win over Iraq - FIBA - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- UN in Iraq marks 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls [EN/AR] - ReliefWeb - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Iraq's population grew to 45.4 million according to the first survey in decades - ABC News - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- A Human Development Journey to the Heart of the Cradle of Civilization, Iraq - World Bank - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Why Did Iraq Suspend a $10 Billion Deal With China? - The Diplomat - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Alexander Novak paid a working visit to Iraq - - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- ASIA/IRAQ - Patriarch Sako appeals to all the "heirs" of the Church of the East: "Unity is the only way to face the current... - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Iraq blocks IMDb website over 'immoral content' claims - bne IntelliNews - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Vacationing in Iraq, mysterious chemical in water, Jeeps downward spiral: Catch up on the days stories - CNN - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- ADM makes second 2024 sale of U.S. rice to Iraq - Farm Progress - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Israeli strikes in Iraq could be imminent, US reportedly warns - - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- USAID commits investment of up to $20 Million with UNICEF to address water scarcity in Iraq and improve water and sanitation services [EN/AR] -... - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Will Trump reduce the US military presence in Syria and Iraq? - The New Arab - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Iraq bans alcohol in hotels and clubs, bringing country close to near-total ban - The Washington Post - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Iraq calls for pressure on Israel to halt possible strikes - The New Arab - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]
- Ceremony held commemorating 20th anniversary of Green Bay Marine killed in Iraq - WBAY - November 26th, 2024 [November 26th, 2024]