Iraq – mVAM Bulletin #24: January 2017; Returnees to Telafar liberated areas face rising food insecurity – Reliefweb

Key points:

As the Mosul operation has intensified, food security has deteriorated for IDPs, returnees and resident households in surveyed sub-districts.

Over 40 percent of households in Telafar had poor or borderline food consumption and used negative coping strategies in December. Most of the households interviewed were recent returnees.

Access to the Public Distribution System remains very poor in conflict-affected areas and among displaced families.

Situation Update

As the Mosul offensive continues, IOM reports that an estimated 132,000 people have been displaced by the ongoing military operations, which began on 17 October. More than 1 million people are thought to remain cut off from humanitarian assistance in Mosul city. Around 114,000 people are sheltering in camps and emergency sites to the south and east of Mosul city but these facilities have almost reached their maximum capacity. Government and humanitarian actors are responding urgently to increase camp capacity and humanitarian assistance.

Military encirclement and the destruction of bridges connecting the east and west banks of the Tigris river are of growing concern as they affect access and supply routes to the western side of the city, where an estimated 750,000 people reside. UNHCR reports that in the west of Mosul supply routes have been cut off and the prices of basic necessities have surged, particularly for fuel and food. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain reliable information from Mosul city. WFP has increased the coverage of mVAM to include the city, which will be reported on in the January mVAM bulletin.

Read more here:
Iraq - mVAM Bulletin #24: January 2017; Returnees to Telafar liberated areas face rising food insecurity - Reliefweb

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