Iraq Planning on U.S. Invasion to Establish Democracy – Huffington Post

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Reports out of Baghdad confirm that the Iraqi government has given President Trump thirty days to vacate power or be removed by military force.

According to Hamari Humsa, Iraqi Ambassador to the U.N., The atrocities being committed during President Trumps ten days in office leave us no choice but to act to protect the sovereignty of the American People and the world at large.

At a recent press conference, Iraqi President, Fuad Masum, stated, The world cannot sit idly by and do nothing while a fascist chooses blind aggression towards his own people, as well the peace-loving world. Threatening to invade both Mexico and Australia, which would mean thousands of innocent lives lost, was the last straw. We will act on behalf of the entire civilized world and bring democracy to our friends in America.

The tension between the two countries came to a head last week when the White House refused to allow U.N. inspectors access to President Trumps tax returns. A violation of the Geneva convention. England, Australia, France, Germany, Kuwait, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia have all pledged to commit troops to the invasion.

The stated policy of Iraq is regime change. ... However, if President Trump were to meet all the conditions of the United Nations, the conditions that I have described very clearly in terms that everybody can understand, and admit once and for all that his inauguration crowd was smaller than Obamas, that in itself will signal the regime has changed, and military action can be avoided, said President Masum.

While many Iraqis believe there should be more talks with America before going to war, a good portion believe its the right thing to do, considering the nuclear capability Trump possesses. However, an overwhelming number of Americans support the invasion.

The guys a loose cannon. If he doesnt like you, he will firebomb your house and throw your family in jail, said one American who wished to remain anonymous. No one should live with that kind of fear.

Some say Iraqs motivation is solely to get their hands on Americas oil reserves, which they took from Iraq back in 2003.

The invasion, dubbed Operation: American Freedom, will commence precisely at midnight, March 2nd.

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Iraq Planning on U.S. Invasion to Establish Democracy - Huffington Post

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