Iraq War inquiry: The politicians and officials who could be criticised

Possible criticism: Acknowledge d he could have forced Tony Blair to think again about taking Britain into war in Iraq. Has xpressed his deep regret about the war.

Alastair Campbell

Job in 2003: Director of Communications, 10 Downing Street

Possible criticism: Masterminded two dossiers in September 2002 and February 2003 which exaggerated the threat to Britain from Iraq

Sir John Scarlett

Job in 2003: Head of the Joint Intelligence Committee

Possible criticism: In charge of the JIC when the September 2002 dodgy dossier claimed that Britain was 45 minutes from an attack by Saddam Husseins WMDs.

Lord Goldsmith

Job in 2003: Attorney General

Possible criticism: Allegedly told Mr Blair that an attack on Iraq would be illegal. Told the Chilcot inquiry that he was incomfortable about declaring war on Iraq without a United Nations mandate.

More here:
Iraq War inquiry: The politicians and officials who could be criticised

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