Is Houthi expansion in Iraq a genuine threat or smoke screen? – Al-Monitor

The decision by Yemens Houthis to expand their influence in Iraq marks a critical juncture in the groups regional strategy, raising significant concerns about regional stability amid ongoing conflicts and geopolitical rivalries, particularly the Israel-Hamas war.

On July 9, Iraqi media reported that Abu Idris al-Sharafi, the Houthi representative in the country, opened headquarters in Baghdad's al-Jadriyah neighborhood, near the Green Zone and close to offices of senior members of Iraqi parties and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). The latter is a grouping of predominantly Shiite Iran-backed militias whose salaries are paid by the government.

A few days earlier, Sharafi visited the PMU headquarters, emphasizing their unity with the Houthi movement, and toured several southern Iraqi provinces, meeting various tribal and religious leaders accompanied by PMU officers.

In addition to raising questions about the Houthis own strategy, the groups expansion into Iraq threatens Baghdads delicate balance between national interests and regional dynamics, highlighting the potential consequences of this power shift.

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Is Houthi expansion in Iraq a genuine threat or smoke screen? - Al-Monitor

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