SAS troops to fight alongside Iraqi and Kurdish fighters to free Iraq’s second largest city from ISIS – The Sun

British Special Forces lead fresh offensive to liberate 650,000 Iraqi civilians in Mosul

BRITISH Special Forces led a fresh offensive yesterday in a bid to liberate western Mosul, the second biggest city in Iraq.

SAS troops along with the U.S. Green Beret and Delta Force commandos are aiming to retake the area from Islamic State.

AP:Associated Press

AP:Associated Press


They are with Iraqi and Kurdish fighters battling against the terrorists in a bid to free around 650,000 civilians.

Mosul, which was once home to two million people, has been under ISIS control since June 2014, when they jihadists grabbed territory across western and northern Iraq in pursuit of their ambition to create a caliphate.

The British and U.S. forces are expected to be in the war-torn country for the next several months and are supposed to be limited to advisory and training roles, but have been dragged into combat.

The rest is here:
SAS troops to fight alongside Iraqi and Kurdish fighters to free Iraq's second largest city from ISIS - The Sun

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