Joomla! programming for non-programmers – Javier Gomez – Video

Joomla! programming for non-programmers - Javier Gomez
Would you like to know more about Joomla! programming? This session is totally focused for joomla designers and implementors that want to have a first look at how Joomla! works. During the presentation we are going to travel to the dark side of Joomla! and we will: - understand the folder structure and the files inside the CMS - modify the entry point and meet the three applications inside joomla: the frontend, the administrator and the installation. - play with the Joomla! urls - figure out how extensions (components/models/plugins) work in Joomla! from a programmer perspective - learn how to modify Joomla! not by hacking it but by extending it: language overrides, template overrides, plugins. Finally you will get some recommendations if you want to go in deep in the development world.

By: joomla

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Joomla! programming for non-programmers - Javier Gomez - Video

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