Launches New Joomla 3.1 Portal with Support from CNP Integrations launched a new community portal with creative design and Joomla CMS technical support from CNP Integrations. This unique community provides pet lovers a place to paws for fun, where they can interact and share their content and enthusiasm.

Boston MA, and New England, IA (PRWEB) April 08, 2013

As part of the site launch, is offering an exclusive My Awesome Pet contest through April 30th. Hundreds of dollars in prizes, gift cards and services will be given away. Interested participants are encouraged to drop by the website for more information and a chance to win. is the brain child of entrepreneur Lola Van De Walle. The current community of around 900 members grew from the local Midwestern region of the US and now is extending their reach across the entire United States and beyond. Lola owns and manages several other successful businesses both online and offline and is based in the rural area of Blue Grass, Iowa.

Lola plans to extend the features of the community as is grows and more feedback is gathered from the community on what will provide the most value or interest to users. She also plans on offering continued incentives and activities for participants in an effort to keep it lively and fun. This is just the beginning and I am amazed at how fast this has caught on. We are really looking forward to seeing how folks like the new site design by CNP Integrations, says Ms. Van De Walle.

CNP is known for building robust community-driven portals and their ongoing involvement with the Joomla development community. As part of their Community Building Success Program, the CNP Integrations team has developed a proven project management process that helps site owners to get the best value out of their technology investment. Our goal is to not just build any website, turn it on and let the owner have the keys but rather to nurture the potential of the web portal and vision of the project so that our clients can be as successful as possible, says Christopher Nielsen, CEO and co-founder of CNP Integrations.

The new Pet Net World community site features are simple for users to follow and if they have ever been on Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, Google Circles or other social networks, they will find the user experience very similar and intuitive. In addition to a new Brand identity, logo and design template, the new site was built in Joomla 3.1 and with JomSocial 2.8 which are both Joomlas and JomSocials latest releases. This new Joomla framework allows the portal users to take advantage of the latest features and the site administrators to stay in sync with the evolution of this cutting edge software solution.

Joomla is by many the best CMS and one of the most powerful and globally popular content management systems in the world. Users from all walks of life and businesses or organizations from nearly every industry or market niche from small to enterprise level use this open source software. Since Joomla has rich featured community building extensions like the JomSocial and well over 10,000 extensions for the several active Joomla releases it makes building niche communities like easy and affordable for anyone with a clear vision and the determination to make it happen.

CNP Integrations new Community Building Success Program includes not only community outreach like event sponsorships and site marketing and promotion support to clients but offers extensive Joomla CMS centric consulting services which address the common challenges site builders face when building online communities. The success program takes participants on an expedition through important questions and helps them discover the best ways to define clear goals and a comprehensive strategy for community driven sites. We want to be a team player not only in helping to grow the volunteer community that builds the Joomla CMS software but to also empower people that use Joomla for building online communities. We provide a road map of proven processes and a support team that allows our clients to become more effective with Joomla, says Mr. Nielsen.

Details about the program can be downloaded from the website:

CNP Integrations has built a world class technical support and consulting practice around delivering enterprise level Joomla CMS support for small to midsized businesses (SMBs), Governments agencies and non-profit organizations using the Joomla CMS. The CNP Integrations team publishes regular news, perspective and educational information on their blog,

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