Whodunnit? Microdata, Authorship, and Joomla! – Ruth Cheesley – Video

Whodunnit? Microdata, Authorship, and Joomla! - Ruth Cheesley
Microdata and RDFa has been around for quite a long time, but recent changes introduced by Google in particular, alongside the developments of the Google+ social network, have dramatically raised the importance of using Microdata effectively. This session will look at the use of microdata in the setting of a whodunnit game, considering all the aspects of Microdata that can be used to enhance website content. It will also cover (briefly - depending on time) how to introduce microdata into your Joomla! websites, covering the core Joomla! components and other popular extensions such as CCK #39;s and blogging systems which contain relevant data.From:joomlaViews:0 2ratingsTime:43:58More inScience Technology

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Whodunnit? Microdata, Authorship, and Joomla! - Ruth Cheesley - Video

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