5-year-old boy severely injured after being run over during camping trip – East Idaho News

Jack Moser | Courtesy Jordan Peterson

ISLAND PARK A Pocatello child was severely injured Monday when a family camping trip turned into a parents worst nightmare.

Five-year-old Jack Moser was riding his bike at a campsite in Island Park when a truck hauling a trailer pulled through the campground, according to his uncle Jordan Peterson. He said Jack pulled off to the side, but when the trailer was next to him, Jack lost his balance, fell and was ran over by two tires.

There happened to be an ambulance coming from Hebgen Lake (Montana) going to Madison Memorial in Rexburg that saw the call come in, Peterson said. They had a patient in the back of the ambulance and the EMTs realized this is pretty serious. They were about two miles away and they ended up going (to the campground).

The paramedics took the other patient, Jack, and his mother, Amber, in the ambulance to Madison Memorial Hospital. Once there, he was airlifted to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center.

A firefighter was giving Amber a ride to EIRMC in a department vehicle that had lights and sirens on but on their way, Peterson said somebody failed to yield and hit the emergency vehicle.

It just so happened that another vehicle that was passing by was a nursing student who was graduating the next day, Peterson said. He and his kids were in the car and offered to give my sister a ride the rest of the way to Idaho Falls.

Courtesy Jordan Peterson

Jack lost over half of his blood volume by the time he arrived at EIRMC. He was intubated, sedated and flown to Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City where emergency surgery was performed to try and stop the bleeding.

Between Idaho Falls and Salt Lake, Jack received 11 units of blood products and platelets, so he has more donor blood in his body than he has his own, Peterson explained.

Doctors determined Jack has a broken pelvis, broken femur, damage to his colon and bladder and a laceration to his perineum, which is the underside between his legs. Hes already undergone several surgeries since the accident.

On top of everything, Jacks father, Jordan, isnt allowed to visit the hospital because the patient Amber and Jack rode with in the ambulance to Rexburg tested positive for COVID-19. Amber and Jack are being quarantined for 14 days.

Theres a lot of factors about this thing, Peterson said. Its not just one thing. Its everything. Theres so much going on its hard to comprehend.

Peterson said Jack, who is typically the happiest, most charming child, has a long road ahead of him.

Its not just this week or next week, this is going to be six months to a year at least of recovery time, Peterson said.

To help the Moser family, a GoFundMe acount has been set up and people can donate via Venmo.

Theres also a Jog for Jack! fundraiser Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Jriven Fitness, located at 669 W. Quinn No. 13. in Pocatello.

Courtesy Jordan Peterson

See original here:
5-year-old boy severely injured after being run over during camping trip - East Idaho News

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