A Scottsbluff officer is injured after investigating a disturban – News Channel Nebraska

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A Scottsbluff officersustained injuries after twomen resisted arrest during a disturbance call investigation.

Monday, May 23rd 2022, 12:21 PM MDT

SCOTTSBLUFF -- A Scottsbluff police officersustained injuries after twomen resisted arrest during a disturbance call investigation.

At 8 p.m. Friday, Scottsbluff polices were dispatched to the Blue Bird Trailer Court regarding a disturbance. The communications center advised a male had been stabbed and was refusing medical treatment. Officers arrived on scene and contacted the two intoxicated males involved in the disturbance.

Officers were able to determine no one had been stabbed.

As a result of the investigation, Michael Geschwind, 66, was arrested for obstructing apolice officer and transported to the Scotts Bluff County Detention Center.

The other man involvedwas transported to Regional West Medical Center due to injuries and issued a citation for disorderly conduct, obstructing apolice officer, and resisting arrest and released to medical staff. One officer was injured during the incident.

The Scottsbluff Police Department was assisted by the Scotts Bluff County Sheriffs Office, Scottsbluff Fire Department, and Valley Ambulance.

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A Scottsbluff officer is injured after investigating a disturban - News Channel Nebraska

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