Amie Beth Shaver: The castration of today’s men – 1819 News

Men, is it better this way? Better with Dylan Mulvaney in a bathtub of bubbles posing as a spokesperson for an all-American beer?

If you're a guy, a man's man, isn't that commercial the epitome of what cultural castration looks like? And doesnt it make you sick?

My husband Chris thought profoundly about this subject earlier this week, and persuasively suggested that today's men have been castrated. Or are at least at risk for the procedure.

I agree.

This castration started with the dependable, doltish, Disney dad. A bumbling fool who could barely string a sentence together. But it didn't stop there.

It's only gotten worse with Mulvaney, who was aghast that no one was excited to see his mug plastered on their beer.

Its also closer to home. Here, in Alabama. Did you notice the mass castration event which has smacked our statehouse?

During this legislation session, a handful of duly elected leaders men we sent to get stuff done refuse. Repeatedly.

Instead of working for us, these men choose to bow in terrified obeisance to their overlords. These overlords, aka lobbyists, use neutered officials to do their bidding. Officials who, instead of bucking wildly against a dirty political system, graze gently in the field, chewing only on pre-approved cud.

The week's events at the capital perfectly demonstrate the results of this mass castration.

Alabamians want an anti-ESG environmental, social, and governance bill passed.

We know that ESG is failing worldwide, but our officials dont seem to. They went along with companies like Regions Financial and let their pushback remove a sane, anti-ESG bill.

Or consider the issue of the Alabama state health officer. He ran roughshod over our lives during three horrific Covid years and is still using the Alabama Department of Public Health to push the clot shot. Despite efforts, our elected officials are still unable to provide meaningful accountability in this area. At least not yet. Which means never.

And it just gets better! Our elected officials are also unable and unwilling to deal with school choice. They're kicking it from one committee to the next, unable to tell us the truth: they don't want school choice because it doesn't pay to give up power and control of our schools.

And so, in their castrated glory, they mask all of it under a thin veil of morality.

Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson talked about this recently, and his comments were so accurate for what's happening in Montgomery that it took my breath away.

Speaking of Frederick Nietzsche and his critique of traditional morality, Peterson said that "most of what passes for morality isn't morality, it's just cowardice. It's not that I'm a good person or don't hurt you. It's that I'm afraid to hurt you." This enables individuals to "mask [their] essential fear and cowardice in the guise of morality.

Isn't that what's happened? People are too afraid to say what's happening, partly because they've been neutered, trained to cower instead of kickback. Why won't they offer meaningful discussion? Why won't they defend their reasoning? Why won't they step out from behind their facade?

It's because they can't. They've lost their ability.

But we know that real men, true leaders, don't cower. They stick around even when death is in the offing.

Consider what Japanese men did during the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, as told on the podcast series, Against the Odds.

The Thoku earthquake the most powerful ever recorded in Japan and subsequent tsunami damaged the nuclear plant's emergency generators, causing it to lose power. The nuclear accident that followed was the worst since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

When the Fukushima nuclear complex leaders discovered the dire situation, they gave workers the option to leave. Instead, 200 men, operating in groups of 50, volunteered to stay behind at their stations despite the horrific danger.

Where are men like that today? Are there any left in our state capital?

I'm not sure. But I hope that some will soon recover their backbone.

Even if not, there is still good news: We know fighters on the outside. Men like my husband and yours. Men whose work fills the pages of this platform. Men who work hard, day in and day out non-castrated fellows who refuse to cower like too many others in our capital or Hollywood. These men do what's difficult because it's right.

We see you men like the men of old. Men who know the better way. Warriors, all. Battling for the kingdom and, in turn, for our culture.

We can't count on our leaders. But it's a good thing that we can count on you.

Keep it up.

Amie Beth Shaver is a speaker, writer and media commentator. Her column appears every Wednesday in 1819 News. Shaver served on the Alabama GOP State Executive Committee, was a candidate for State House District 43 and spokeswoman for Allied Women.

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Amie Beth Shaver: The castration of today's men - 1819 News

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