Jordan Peterson Shared Frightening Warning He Received …

Jordan Peterson is a serious person. He's not someone who goes chasing after conspiracy theories. If he says something, you know he's taken an extended amount of time to think about it. Even debated against himself, probably. If anyone else said a trusted military source told them to take their money out of the banks, I would tell them to log off of Reddit and get some fresh air. That was before Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government gave people reason to believe they should be concerned for their financial future.

I'm not sure if this video was recorded before or after Parliament gave Canada's walking pile of soy and hair goop an additional thirty days to flatten the civil liberties.

"I have been in contact with a reliable source within the Canadian military, and he told me today by email that if I had any sense I would take my money out of the Canadian banks because the situation is far worse than I've been informed. That's one of many such messages I received on a daily basis."

At any other point, this would sound like time to bust out a tinfoil hat. That was before last week. Before Trudeau announced banks could freeze your assets no questions asked, and if you try to take legal recourse, Trudeau will take away your legal recourse. Also, crowdfunding apps are now considered money laundering if the money is being raised for people Trudeau doesn't like. You know, the citizens he calls "unacceptable" and he says "take up space."

Unclear is if Peterson's source meant that he specifically should take his money out of the banks--Peterson would fall into the group of people that Trudeau doesn't like--Or if it was a general warning for all countrymen.

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Jordan Peterson Shared Frightening Warning He Received ...

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