Letters to the Editor Sunday, July 25 – The Daily Gazette

Many reasons to get your covid vaccinationShame, shame on anyone able to get the covid vaccine and who has not.Infection and hospitalizations are rising again, and the thought of repeating the last year is appalling.If you wont do it for your health, family, neighbors, co-workers and children, do it for the doctors, nurses, aides and staff who have been most battered by this pandemic and are still on the battle lines, ready to take care of the next wave if infections when they should not need to.Linda PetersonRound Lake

Palestinians must show they want peaceCritics of Israel often claim that Israeli leaders do not want peace with the Palestinians.To the contrary, the facts indicate that Palestinian leaders do not want peace with Israel.In this context, it is essential to note that Israel has signed peace treaties with former adversaries.In 1979, Israel signed a peace treaty with Egypt and in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan.In both cases, Israel returned land captured in battle.At the Camp David Summit of 2000, convened by President Clinton, a land-for-peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians was drafted.However, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat left at the eleventh hour without explanation.Following the summit, Clinton said, I regret that in 2000 Arafat missed the opportunity to bring that nation into being and pray for the day when the dreams of the Palestinian people for a state and a better life will be realized in a just and lasting peace.Apparently, Arafat did not want peace with Israel.Arafat died in 2004, and soon after, the Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, began to fight each other for leadership.Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, and in 2007 Hamas pushed Fatah from Gaza.As was the case with Arafat, the leaders of Hamas have no interest in seeking peace with Israel.Rather, Hamas leaders consider the destruction of Israel to be the primary objective of the organization.There will be no peace between Israelis and Palestinians until the Palestinian leadership abandons its goal to destroy Israel.Don SteinerSchenectady

We cant take our freedoms for grantedThe good citizens of Cuba are taking to the streets to remind us once again that which we all know to be true.The reality of Marxist socialism never ends in equality and prosperity for the masses.In light of these events, the recent story regarding the Penn State student from Venezuela, Erik Suarez, who successfully organized a protest to get a quote from Fidel Castro removed from the wall of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center on campus, is especially heartening.Reading the words as quoted on the wall of the center, one can almost see the appeal, until you look at the byline and realize who the author is a corrupt and heartless dictator.With over six decades of evidence culminating in the live feeds we see coming out of Cuba today, it is shocking it took the voice of an international student whose own country is crumbling under the same poisonous falsehoods to bring the truth home.It is challenging, but ultimately good to live in a democratic republic.As todays current events unfold, we must see that we cannot take this blessing for granted.S. John LynchRotterdam

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Letters to the Editor Sunday, July 25 - The Daily Gazette

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