Attacked for fun? Police say teens attacked random man in Glendale

Posted on: 9:34 pm, May 7, 2014, by Ben Handelman, updated on: 10:01pm, May 7, 2014

GLENDALE (WITI) Youve heard of the knockout game. Now, theres a new game with a similar concept. Two teenagers could face criminal charges after allegedly attacking a man in Glendale. They say they did it for fun.

According to Glendale police, on April 20th, late in the afternoon, a middle-aged man was walking to Bayshore Town Center down Silver Spring Drive.

He noticed two teenagers were following him and the man told police he turned onto the Milwaukee River Parkway hoping they would keep heading straight.

Instead, Glendale police say the victim was jumped, and was punched in the head multiple times.

A neighbor called police, and the teens were picked up a short time later.

When asked why they would do something like this, one of the teens said his friend suggested they hit the dude.

The teenager told police his friend thought it would be fun to Hi Lite the guy.

When someone says Hi Lite its like some people are going to jump you, a teenager playing pickup basketball on Wednesday evening explained to FOX6 News.

You just hit them in a big group, and they get knocked out or whatever, another teenager said.

Originally posted here:
Attacked for fun? Police say teens attacked random man in Glendale

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