Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Game Review | Common Sense Media

What do you get when you mix together the cutthroat competition of a battle royale, the fast-paced but casual antics of a party game, the hilarious hazards of a game show, and cosplay for good measure? Whatever it is, it's probably going to be pretty close to Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, a zany hybrid of games that's easy to pick up and nearly impossible to put down. Sixty players, represented as little customizable jellybean people, race through a handful of randomly selected stages that slowly whittle away the competition. But rather than dodging a hail of gunfire from opponents, players instead run, jump, and dive through various obstacle courses and mini-games. The only player-on-player violence occurs when one player accidentally (or maybe not-so-accidentally) bumps another off the track and into the abyss below.

The controls, while simple, aren't exactly razor sharp in their precision. Instead, Fall Guys sort of stumble and fumble their way through each labyrinth of obstacles. While this might seem like it would take away from the experience, since all players are on the same level, it's still an even playing field. Plus, it adds a lot to the charm of the game, much like a match of human bumper cars. Even though the goal is to try to beat the other 59 competitors, players earn rewards just for participating. And, once eliminated, a player can just dive right back into the lobby and get ready to try again. From the first dash out of the starting gate to the final battle to claim the top spot, and every chaotic moment in between, Fall Guy: Ultimate Knockout stays true to its name, delivering a leisurely knockout blow to its battle royale competition.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Game Review | Common Sense Media

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