5 Headlines Liberals Wish Were True on Alternative Reality Website – Washington Free Beacon


BY: Madeleine Weast February 24, 2017 2:56 pm

An alternative reality website, http://www.HillaryBeatTrump.org, has become a safe haven for liberals where they can pretend to read fake news in a world in which Hillary Clinton actually won the 2016 presidential election.

HillaryBeatTrump.org's website, along with its Twitter and Facebook accounts, promotes fake news stories, or fan fiction, that liberals wish were true.

The satirical website's banner reads, "President Hillary Rodham Clinton," with the slogan, "News from the real America, where the majority rules."

"In the midst of a Constitutional crisis, this is our response. Long live the true president, Hillary Rodham Clinton," the siteclaims in its "About Us" section.

The news categories on the website include domestic policy, celebrities, world affairs, Wall Street, and sports.

Here are five of the most ridiculous headlines from the site.

1. Rush Limbaugh impregnates Tomi Lahren, demands abortion

"Even more startling, sources close to Lahren told Page 6 that Limbaugh immediately demanded she undergo an abortion, saying it was his Constitutional right to subject her body to his every command according to the 14th amendment,'" the articlefrom Thursday read.

2. Trump says Anne Frank tragically never had the makings of a 10'

"On Wednesday, Donald Trump drew fire from American Jews after the former reality TV star assured the largely Jewish, affluent crowd that gathered at Manhattan's Central Synagogue they were lucky to be alive in America today,'" the articlefrom Wednesday said.

"Tragically, Anne Frank never had the makings of a 10,' he said."

3. Historians say Clinton's presidency is already in "all time top 5"

"In barely two months, Clinton has made headlines and warmed liberal hearts by appointing the most diverse cabinet in historyincluding the highest-ranking Muslim in government, increasing the minimum wage to $12 an hour,raising taxeson the ultra wealthy, shutting down the Dakota Access Pipeline,mandating parental leave, and welcoming Syrian immigrants," the Tuesday article read.

4. Rumor: Kellyanne Conway dating Brock Turner

"It's a man's world,' Conway reportedly whispered into Brock's left ear. I don't understand why women think they have any control over their bodies,'" the article published last weeksaid.

5. Georgia O'Keeffe to design new feminist monument for National Mall

"After rejecting 2,000 designs by leading, male-dominated architecture firms that were all oppressively phallic,' Jones said the Smithsonian finally selected an ingenious design by the late, great British feminist architect Zaha Hadid that she based on the paintings of Arizona artist Georgia O'Keeffe," the article from last week read.

Donald Trump won the 2016 election, defeating Hillary Clinton, and isthe 45th president of the United States.

5 Headlines Liberals Wish Were True on Alternative Reality Website - Washington Free Beacon

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