7 Reasons Liberals Are Wrong on Gun Control

The tension between defenders of the Second Amendment and those who believe gun ownership should be restricted has existed a long time. In 1837, Georgia passed a law restricting ownership of handguns. After the Civil War, laws were passed that made it illegal for black people to own guns.

In the 1930s Congress regulated machine guns and passed the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. But it was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 that ushered in the modern argument over the issue.

Since then, the debate over gun control has been a key point of difference between Liberals who favor further restrictions on gun ownership and Conservatives, who support the right of citizens to possess and use firearms.

Here are seven reasons the Liberals have it wrong:

1. Gun control laws wont stop mass shootings. The tragic rash of school, religious and workplace shootings has turned up the heat on the public conversation about guns. In nearly all these cases, however, more restrictive gun laws would not have stopped the shooters from legally obtaining a firearm. Most mass shootings are perpetrated by mentally disturbed individuals who have never previously been identified as dangerous.

2. Guns are the most effective means of self-defense. If someone is breaking into your house, calling 911 will probably not save you. Self-defense techniques do not provide protection against an armed attacker or more than one man. Only a gun provides the ability to defend oneself from a safe distance. Guns are also an equalizer for women and the elderly or handicapped.

3. Gun laws wont keep guns out of the hands of criminals. While most law abiding citizens would obey new gun control laws, criminals would not. And with an estimated 300 million firearms in the United States, obtaining a gun will never be difficult.

4. Hunters and sportsmen would be unfairly penalized by gun laws. In only 3% of murders is the weapon a rifle, yet most proposed gun control legislation is directed toward long guns. Millions of law-abiding citizens keep guns for hunting and sport shooting. They, not criminals, would be forced by gun control laws to change their lifestyles.

5. Gun laws havent worked in the U.S. A recent study by Quinnipiac University studied 30 years of statistics, and determined that stricter gun control laws have not correlated with a reduction in crime.

6. Gun laws in other countries havent reduced violence. A Harvard University study debunked the myth that the rate of intentional deaths is higher in the U.S. than in countries with restrictive gun control laws. In Russia, where handguns are banned, the murder rate is much higher than that of the U.S. Yet Norway, where 32% of households own guns, has the lowest murder rate in Western Europe.

7. Crime rates are down without gun control. Crime is a reflection of culture, not gun ownership. Violent crimes in the United States have fallen 22% in the last ten years. The murder rate has actually fallen since 2004, when the federal assault rifle ban expired.

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7 Reasons Liberals Are Wrong on Gun Control

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