Angry liberals can’t handle truth, shut down my speech –

I spoke to the Southern California Junior State of America, or JSA, winter congress this weekend to a group of about 860 high-schoolers, supposedly 60 to 70 percent liberal.

Ive never seen a better-looking group of young people: The boys wore suits and ties, and the girls wore dresses and heels. (Some wore pantsuits.)

My talk followed a liberal California state assemblymans speech. I was scheduled for an hour, consisting of a 25- to 45-minute speech followed by Q&A but I was thrown out before the 25-minute mark.

I started out saying my book, The Antidote, proves racism does not exist, that its a lie made up to divide and conquer through anger. Angry people feel like victims, and all victims are pathetic. (Some loved this message.)

I explained how Barack Obama divided the races like no other time in history, because hes all about politics, power and wealth liberals do not care about people.

Obama pitted blacks against whites and police. Theyd been set up to hate by their lying false leaders over the decades. Most who run into trouble with police are criminals thugs like Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin, whose home lives I described.

OrderRev. Jesse Lee Petersons book, The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.

The high-schoolers burst out in shouting and jeers when I told the truth about the two dead icons of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Around 15 minutes into my talk, the JSA governor, high-school senior Justin Wittekind, asked me to begin Q&A early. Immediately, dozens of students lined up on both sides of the room to ask their questions.

My answers to their questions each caused an uproar. Unfortunately, only about four people all girls were allowed to state their case and ask questions before they decided to shut me down completely.

Two girls questioned my position that racism does not exist. They brought statistics they think prove racism does exist. I explained that blacks have created a negative reputation for themselves through dangerous neighborhoods, robbery, rape and murder of one another and of white people. I said liberals are liars, and you cant trust their studies or anything a liberal has to say.

One girl said LGBT rights are very important to her, and she described disproportionate LGBT suffering with information from Human Rights Campaign. I responded by saying theres no such thing as LGBT rights. Before I could elaborate, the crowd burst in cries of outrage. Justin came to the mic and said, We dont agree with that, and that we should not discuss that topic because we wont agree, and the crowd wouldnt be able to handle it. But the crowd wanted to hear it and shouted when he cut off the topic. Before we moved on, I added that the same laws that protect all Americans protect homosexuals and other LGBT people. We dont need special laws for special people.

Finally, one girl asked: If racism does not exist, then what is the purpose of Black Lives Matter why do we need it? I said Black Lives Matter is an evil, angry, agitative group its worse than the KKK. At this, the crowd screamed louder than ever. One young man tried to rush the stage. He was being pushed back as he shouted that they killed his great-grandfather. (He later interrupted conservative young guys talking to me to dispute the facts about Trayvon Martin. When we left, he cursed at me and flipped me off. He was so angry.)

The adult program director for JSA, liberal feminist Obama supporter Yvonne England, put her hands on me twice to pull me away from the mic and prevent me from speaking. She did not want me to mention God in my speech or say Obama is the worst president weve ever had. She told me Im never coming back, upset that I made kids cry. I told her not to touch me. Despite her assault, I concluded my speech to the young people by telling them, I want you to start thinking for yourself, to consider whats right and wrong and not just accept what theyre told. Yvonne stood there fuming behind me.

Justin told the crowd his heart had never beat so fast in his life. He repeatedly promised students the opportunity to talk and interrogate my ideas outside. Students immediately joined me outside.

Very shortly, however, after only two or three minutes, the adults in charge demanded the young people go back inside. Two men told me I had to leave, and they escorted me away. Another liberal JSA employee, Derek Dettorre, pretended to respect my opinions, but he soon started yelling at me and accusing me of wanting to rile the students, as I tried to get my parking pass validated.

More than ever, young people lack good fathers. So they hate men and they hate truth. Barna Group reports 59 percent of millennials who grew up in the church have dropped out.

I could recognize the young people who are confident and happy. They love me, theyre conservative and they can handle disagreement. Theyre in the minority among insane liberal crowds. I pray that they continue to set the example for the other youth who never saw this strength in their homes.

OrderRev. Jesse Lee Petersons book, The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.

Media wishing to interview Jesse Lee Peterson, please contact

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Angry liberals can't handle truth, shut down my speech -

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