Attack on Hindus is their own fault, they should not exist in Muslim areas: This is how Liberals justify violence – OpIndia

In recent days, they have been multiple attacks against Hindus while they were celebrating their festivals. In Karauli, a Hindu procession on the occasion of Hindu New Year was attacked with stones on April 2. Violence and arson followed. Rajasthan police said in its presser that the Hindus had played provocative songs during the procession and that led to the violence because the area was Muslim-dominated.

As per reports, the PFI had warned the local authorities that Hindus taking out a procession in Muslim dominated areas may lead to violence.

On the occasion of Ram Navami, the attacks on Hindus followed, with a multi-fold intensity. Across several states, Hindu processions on Ram Navami have been attacked by Muslim mobs, for the crime of passing through the so-called Muslim areas.

A Ram Navami procession organised by VHP was attacked with stones when it was near Fazir Bazar at PM Basti on GT Road in Shibpur, Howrah.

Another procession has been attacked in Gujarats Himmatnagar. Similar cases of attacks on Hindu processions have been reported from Jharkhands Lohardaga, MPs Khargone, and Karnatakas Mulbagal.

However, apparently, the fault lies with the Hindus, because how dare they take out a procession and play songs for their festivals? For Indias secular liberals, Hindus should be always accommodating, docile, subversive and never dare to exist on the premises of what they deem as Muslim areas, or any violence that happens will be the responsibility of the Hindus.

NDTVs Srinivasan Jain has held Hindus responsible for the attack on them because it was their fault to pass through a Muslim area.

Jain is relentless, he has decided that incidents of violence are only happening because Modi is ruling at the centre and Hindu leaders are giving statements against the existing status quo, for example, how dare a Hindu leader question the Halal economy that benefits only Muslims and discriminates against Hindus? As per Srinivasan Jain, questioning the existing practises of discrimination is akin to stoking violence, and violence happens because Modi is in power. Jain has decided to forget the dozens of riots, bomb blasts, and massacres that have happened in this country when Modi was not in power.

It is not Jain alone. There is a large section of so-called secular liberals who believe in this Muslim area theory. As per them, a procession passing through a Muslim area is a provocation that triggers the violence. In their justification, they completely forget that it is the Muslim mob that pelts stones. And what exactly is a Muslim area? This is the question that many are asking Srinivasan Jain.

Here is a Congress leader.

And what exactly is a Muslim area? This is the question that many are asking Srinivasan Jain and others. Are there specific areas that Hindus are not allowed to enter? Are these similar areas where stones were pelted on healthcare workers when they went to trace contacts of Covid infected people?

In the so-called secular, democratic India, self-proclaimed Liberals are propagating the idea of Muslim ghettos, areas where non-Muslims are not allowed to enter, live, or pass through. A similar kind of justification was given by Barkha Dutt in her now-famous video where she was seen blaming the Kashmiri Pandits for their own genocide and exodus because apparently, they had been taking up most of the jobs.

Muslim areas is why the country was partitioned into pieces. Muslim areas is why Raliv, Galiv, Tsaliv slogans were raised in Kashmir, Muslim areas are why Bihari vendors were killed in Srinagar, Muslim areas are the reason millions of Bengali Hindus were killed and raped in East Bengal. How long is this country going to keep paying for Muslim areas where the secular laws of the country do not apply?

Who decides what will be a Muslim area? Are there any defined rules that non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Muslim areas? In a country that suffered through the brutality of partition on religious grounds, the idea of religious lawless ghettos is being actively promoted by the so-called elites.

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Attack on Hindus is their own fault, they should not exist in Muslim areas: This is how Liberals justify violence - OpIndia

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