BONOKOSKI: Kick the remnants of the Wynne Liberals to the curb – Toronto Sun

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Even with the dog days of summer still a good month away, Ontario Premier Doug Ford already finds himself in the doghouse.

Polling shows the Liberal Party reduced in the election of 2018 to seven sad-sack seats, then gaining one in a byelection is apparently now a mere sniff away from possibly regaining power if an election were held now.

This is too quick a forgiveness.

The Liberals deserve to be stinking up the bottom of the barrel for much longer considering the fiscal damage inflicted on the electorate when one of the survivors, Kathleen Wynne, was premier.

She deserved to lose her seat, but the riding of Don Valley West, established in 1999, has elected only one Tory, David Turnbull, and that goes back to its inaugural election in 1999.

Since then, its been all Kathleen Wynne, despite her fiscal incompetence.

The riding was particularly notable in the 2007 election because the seatless John Tory, then leader of the Progressive Conservatives, wrongly thought he could defeat his entrenched Liberal opponent.

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The NDP, forever an also-ran since the Rae Days of the early 90s, is in dire need of a leadership change because Andrea Horwath is as musty a leader as they come and needs to be replaced with a fresher model.

She must love forever being the brides maid, but now she more resembles someones lavender aunt.

These are not personal attacks. These are truths.

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Despite his fumbles, Ontarians should be happy that Doug Ford, a first-time politician, is in charge of the provinces COVID-19 response because a seasoned politician would be greasing his words with snake oil.

Seasoned politicians rarely tell the whole truth.

Doug Ford has his emotions written all over his face.

Hed be a lousy poker player but a great drinking buddy.

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The last time Mainstreet Research took a poll of Ontario voters, which was back in February, Doug Fords Progressive Conservatives had a colossal 18-point lead over its rivals, the level of support even surpassing the partys 2018 majority victory.

By late May, however, Mainstreet said the PCs had shed considerable support since that 18-point crusher, with both the Ontario Liberals and Ontario NDP gaining ground in what is now improbably a horse race.

The PCs lead is now down to 26% support, with the NDP and Liberals tied for second place at 23% and 22% respectively. The Greens are a distant fourth with 5%. However, 20% of the polls respondents claim to be undecided.

Considering the polls margin of error, what we have here is essentially a statistical tie between the main three parties.

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It seems inconceivable that the remains of the Wynne Liberals have so quickly risen from the dead, considering the injuries inflicted on Ontario residents by a party more concerned with making sure their friends made money than the populace had reduced taxes.

Think solar panels and wind turbines, just for starters, and the $1-billion cost of cancelling a gas power plant to save the political career of one of its cabinet ministers.

Blood should still be boiling and blood pressures red-lining.

The COVID-19 pandemic will likely end this year. Vaccinations, with no thanks to the Trudeau Liberals, now appear to have rhyme and reason and are moving into faster second doses.

But the last thing Ontarians need is the return of the Liberals to power, let alone the NDP. The Liberals got too much forgiveness during their last run, even getting a majority after years of cock-ups.

The electorate needs to give its head a shake.

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BONOKOSKI: Kick the remnants of the Wynne Liberals to the curb - Toronto Sun

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