Curley: Ted Cruz vs. Andrew Cuomo coverage says it all about liberal media – Boston Herald

Texas Sen. Ted Cruzs Cancun fiasco proves once again that todays journalists are not lazy theyre crooked.

Dont get me wrong, the liberal media had every right to pounce and seize and weaponize on the tone-deaf move by Cruz. After all, the Harvard Law grad and his sad rolling suitcase handed the mainstream media a massive dunk. But Cruzs micro-trip to Mexico set off the kind of journalistic curiosity we havent seen since the bombshell droppedthat Trump likes ketchup on his steak.

After reading headlines about Dr. Jills scrunchies and President Bidens Mario Kart escapades, you might have assumed that these left-wing activists had lost their edge. Wrong. These blue check marks are as sharp and inquisitive as ever as long as theyre reporting on a Republican.

Michael Hardy, from New York Magazine, even went to the senators home and came up with a hard-hitting story titled, Ted Cruz Flees Texas for Cancun, Ditches Family Poodle.

If you read that headline and inferred that Cruzs dog was abandoned well, good. That is exactly what Hardy was going for. Unfortunately, a few paragraphs into the column, he is forced to break the disappointing news to his readers: No, the pooch known as Snowflake Cruz was not left alone to fend for himself.

As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruzs driveway. Is this Senator Cruzs house? I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasnt home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was. Reassured of the dogs well-being, I returned to my car.

Wow, we need more heroes like Hardy. He doesnt just hate Cruz, he loves dogs. Can you say Profiles in Courage? Now if only these activists could transfer some of their passion from the Bichon Frise beat over to the White House press briefings.

From the looks of the timing in regard to both Hunter Biden and Andrew Cuomo, the media runs a solid four to 10 weeks behind on a Democrats scandal. Any damaging news that is first published in conservative outlets has to go through a good vetting (spiking) period before it lands on the desks of Jake Tapper or Rachel Maddow.

Even when these salacious stories eventually make their way to the mainstream media, dont expect them to go all in.

For instance, on Thursday night ABCs World News Tonight spent almost four minutes on Cruzs optics fail. They only talked about Andrew Cuomos nursing home scandal and subsequent investigation for 55 seconds.

If you think that coverage is bad when it comes to early-to-bed Joe, the press is working overtime. The media doesnt just turn a blind eye to Bidens mistakes, they actively cover them up.

During a CNN Town Hall, when Biden said that the vaccine was not available when he came into office, The Washington Post resident fact-checker Glenn Kessler immediately started spinning.

Rather than simply call out Biden for the blatant lie, Kessler tweeted, It was a verbal stumble, a typical Biden gaffe, as he had already mentioned 50 million doses being available when he took office. Ex-Trump officials should especially cool the outrage meter, as it just looks silly.

Outrage advice from the same guy who compared Trumps 2016 transition team to Game of Thrones. How rich.

By the way, the members of the Ministry of Truth will now refer to Joe Bidens lies as verbal stumbles or gaffes.

But these left-wing outlets exhibit the most bizarre behavior after they commit, as the late and great Rush Limbaugh once coined it, a random act of journalism.

For example, Axios tweeted a video of Vice President Kamala Harris telling Michael Allen that the Biden administration was starting from scratch in regards to vaccine distribution. But whoever runs the Axios Twitter account must have forgotten the publications loyalties and romantic ties to Team Biden, because beneath the video they added, At a press conference last month, Fauci said we certainly are not starting from scratch on vaccine distribution.

The next day, after the tweet managed to garner some less-than-perfect press for Harris, Axios deleted the post.

They later reposted the same interaction, this time without including the context of Faucis rebuttal.

It is amazing the lengths these reporters will go to protect their dear leaders.

The media can dig deep into a scandal when the offender is a conservative like Ted Cruz. But when the truth looks rough for liberals, these Woodward wannabes stop digging and start burying.

Read more:
Curley: Ted Cruz vs. Andrew Cuomo coverage says it all about liberal media - Boston Herald

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