Fake News: Liberals Can’t Stop Sharing This False Meme About Trump, Obama, and Church – Townhall

They're pro-science, pro-empiricism guardians of truth and facts in an age of Lyin' Donald, you'll recall, except when they're not. Because 'Literally Hitler' and his band of deplorables deserve it, or whatever. A Democratic pollster posted a tweet on Easter Sunday, comparing and contrasting the supposedchurchgoing records of President Obama and President Trump -- neither of whom is, shall we say, particularlyrenowned for his overt religiosity. It's racked up tens of thousands of retweets and likes, with screenshots and similar memes buzzing around Facebook and Instagram. Obama was a God-fearing Christian, unlike that pagan Trump; these so-called Christian Republican voters are such hypocrites! Problem: It's an inaccurate tweet. But hey,spreading fake news that affirms your partisan biases feels good. And who can resist the sweet, sweet nectar of lots of retweets and new followers?

Conservatives and some mainstream and liberal media figuresswiftly debunked the premise of the tweet. Oops:

The original tweeter has been defending himself and refusing to delete the false post, uncorking a slew of justifications, most of which are some variation of "fake but accurate" or "it's Trump's fault." He also claimed that his facts werecorrect at the time that he fired off the tweet because Trump hadn't gone to church yet, or something. But the premise of the framing was that Obama was a faithful Easter churchgoer, unlike that heathen Trump. Fun fact:Theimage embedded at the top of this postis of Trump...arriving at church on Easter. In fairness, this allcould have started as an honest, hasty mistake,but once it became clear that the message was flat-out wrong, the obviouslycorrect move wasto take it down, not concoct desperateex post facto rationalizations. To err is to be human, butto allow arrogance and expedience to perpetuate the propagation of a knownfalsehood is a deliberate act of dishonesty (a lesson thatthis president would be wiseto heed). And hey, we're all human. Even certainDemocratic pollsters:

See? Deleting content that makes you look silly in retrospect isn't so hard, is it?

Read more here:
Fake News: Liberals Can't Stop Sharing This False Meme About Trump, Obama, and Church - Townhall

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