FUREY: Trudeau Liberals are failing on the basics that Canadians rely on – Toronto Sun

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There are some Canadians who may be under the mistaken impression that Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus job is primarily to fly around the world attending climate parties, contract completely asymptomatic COVID multiple times and pal around with polarizing California Governor Gavin Newsom.

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After all, thats what Trudeaus been most visibly up to in recent weeks. He acts like those are the routine tasks on his daily checklist.

But to whatever degree those footloose and fancy free activities do fall under the job description of PM, theyre very much tertiary ones. Theyre not the meat and potatoes of the job.

Ask yourself this: What does the federal government actually do? What are its key duties? And when are the times you or your family have actually engaged with a federal government service?

That last question is an interesting one, because we dont interact with the feds all that much on a daily basis. The bulk of the government services on which Canadians rely comes to them from the municipal and provincial level.

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But the federal services that we do rely on, the ones that Trudeau and his cabinet are responsible for managing, are now failing in real time for all to see.

Lets take the airport debacle. Canadians have a right to expect orderly, fast and efficient customer service at airports, both for domestic and international travel. Thats all been sent haywire in recent months mostly due to the governments inability to let go of pandemic restrictions.

Now that most Canadians acknowledge that COVID has receded to the background and the pandemic is for all practical purposes over, people have returned to travelling with gusto. Yet the feds both cant handle it and refuse to admit the pandemic is over.

The Ministry of Transport is tasked with providing a service to Canadians and they are failing. Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra was clinging to outdated pandemic rules like Gollum to the rings, rather than embrace evolved policies and swiftly solve the massive backlogs at airports.

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(As I was writing this paragraph a reader email came into my inbox, with the correspondent noting: I flew from Calgary to Montreal last night. Reminds me of airports in third world countries Has the governance in Canada led to 3rd world status? It eerily resembles it.)

Then there are the unprecedented long lineups at Passport Canada offices across the country. Someone looking to renew their passport shouldnt have to camp outside a government building like its Sunrise Records in 1997 and the Backstreets Back Tour just went on sale.

The passport application and renewal process is a very basic service delivery. Yet the government cant handle it. They either wont or cant get a grasp on the situation.

Speaking of basics, theres also the problem with the rising cost of groceries, gas, housing and just about everything else. While inflation and cost of living arent traditional service delivery, they bear mentioning along with the other federal fumbles.

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The Bank of Canadas target of keeping inflation to 1-3% is arguably a federal service provided to Canadians to deliver a secure and stable economy and way of life. Theyve failed to deliver. Both the bank and the Trudeau cabinets attitude towards spending has worsened our economic situation, as various experts including a recent Scotiabank report attest.

These are the things that matter. Theyre some of the core functions of the federal government. You can ace every climate change speech in the world, but it doesnt matter if you cant assist a person with renewing their passport in a reasonable amount of time.

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See the rest here:
FUREY: Trudeau Liberals are failing on the basics that Canadians rely on - Toronto Sun

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