JENKINS: It’s time for liberals to renounce the radical left –

Every time I hear someone use the term liberal in reference to the criminals literally attempting to tear our country apart, I want to scream, No! I know plenty of actual liberals. Those people are not liberals!

After all, the dictionary definition of liberal includes phrases like open-minded and generous. Thats a pretty apt description of most of my center-left friends. We may not always see eye to eye, but for the most part theyre good people who want the same things I want: peace, prosperity, safe neighborhoods, good schools.

The same cannot be said for those using the presidential election as a pretext for rioting, looting, assaulting innocents, engaging in intimidation tactics and fomenting violent rebellion. They are neither open-minded nor generous, nor do they want the same things normal, rational Americans want.

Thats why todays political landscape is so much more fraught than it was even a few years ago. Once upon a time, I assumed virtually all Americans, whether they typically voted Democrat or Republican, had essentially the same values they just disagreed on the mechanics.

I no longer believe that. It is now obvious to me that a significant percentage of people who identify as Democrats, or at least vote for Democrat candidates, want nothing less than the utter destruction of our nation its borders, its culture, its identity, its moral code. I used to think that if the two sides could just sit down and talk, we could come to some sort of mutual understanding. Now I wonder how those of us in the normal and rational category can even begin to have a conversation with people like the Berkeley rioters. We dont even speak the same language, much less share similar values.

A bigger problem, however, is that those who vote Democrat but are still rational, what we might call classical liberals a steadily shrinking percentage of Democrat voters have been largely silent about the violence and intimidation perpetrated by others in their party. Ive heard very few voices on the left condemning riots or calls for the wholesale slaughter of police officers and white people.

In this way, the center-left has become very much like the moderate Muslims we keep hearing so much about, but all too rarely hear from.

I, for one, am perfectly willing eager, even to accept that the vast majority of Muslims do not condone terrorism. But that becomes more difficult when so few denounce the atrocities carried out in the name of Islam. We must conclude that most Muslims either support those atrocities or else are afraid to speak out and the latter seems far more likely.

So it is now with moderate Democrats. We assume they dont really want to see police officers or other innocents murdered, or the fabric of our society ripped to shreds. But silence can only persist for so long before it becomes consent.

Rob Jenkins is a local freelance writer and the author of four books, including Family Man: The Art of Surviving Domestic Tranquility, available at Books for Less in Buford and on Amazon. Email Rob at

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