JUST THE WAY IT IS: How do liberals think, or do they? – Monroe County Reporter

It should be obvious by now that I (and most conservatives) do not understand how liberals and leftists think. I know what they think; I just dont know how they think. Liberals and leftists have many ideas that baffle me. So, I have a question for our liberal friends: Am I ignorant or are you ignorant? Thats not a joke question; its legitimate. I ask because I must be missing something in that I do not understand how you liberals come to believe and accept the ideas that you believe and accept. Please tell me why in the world you listen to, believe in, and adhere to the leftist nonsense spouted endlessly by liberal politicians and by the leftist media. Here are a few examples of what Im talking about.

WE HEAR endless reports about climate change. The latest from the global warming zealots is they have concluded that household pets are a significant cause of global warming. Yes, these eco-Nazis claim that your little Fluffy and playful Fido are evil because your pets contribute to global warming. A research project by UCLA has determined that the meat based diets of household pets produces carbon emissions equivalent to 13.6 million automobiles per year. (The Sacramento Bee, Aug 2, 2017; How Your Pet is Contributing to Global Warming.) The implication is that you should get rid of your pets. Heres a better suggestion, lets get rid of the wacko leftists, or at least, not listen to their nonsense.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Democrats and other Leftists constantly shout that Republicans want to suppress the votes of seniors and minorities. We are hearing these shouts and screams right now because President Trump created a commission to investigate whether voter fraud occurred in the 2016 election. It must have because the Dems and leftists keep screaming Russia, Russia, Russia. And just last week an ABC affiliate reported that 11 counties in California have more registered voters than people eligible to vote in those counties. The Dems in California tell us that theres nothing wrong if a county has more registered voters than eligible voters. However, if Republicans want to determine if any voting irregularities occurred the shout is Voter suppression. The libs never tell us how requiring someone to show an ID card or to prove theyre a citizen is voter suppression, nonetheless they keep screaming it. Demanding a voter show a photo IDs ensures only legal, registered voters will vote. Obviously, Dems and Leftists think that minorities and seniors are too stupid to obtain an ID card because they keep telling us the difficulty of minorities obtaining an ID card. I dont understand how these minority groups and seniors keep agreeing to being called stupid.

MY FINAL example is Planned Parenthood (PP). According to a new PP guideline for parents, Children as young as 4 are not too young to be told that gender and sex are different and that their genitals dont indicate their gender. The guideline continues, Genitals do not definitively establish gender, and that children can make that decision based on your values and how you talk with your child. This is a version of CHILD ABUSE and leftist poppycock at its worst. These people should be locked up, not listened to. Ill repeat what I said in a previous article, if a gender troubled individual wants to live in his/her own fantasy, thats fine; just dont ask the rest of us to buy into your wackiness. Now these insane people are dragging children as young as four into their Looking Glass world. How do our liberal friends keep listening to such insanity, and who are the real science deniers?

SHIFTING TO local events, kudos to Eddie Rowland, District 2 Commissioner. In case you missed the Aug 2 Reporter, Commissioner Rowland gave a full report on his first 100 days as our newest commissioner. Any newly elected official, from dog catcher to president, has a steep learning curve. That is no different for our commissioners. Rowland came into office with a good plan to spin him up on all the county departments and then went about implementing his plan. His report was a reminder of the numerous departments and offices in our county. Reading it, I was reminded that we expect a lot from our elected officials and usually do not give them the time to learn before we start criticizing, or appreciate the time they spend serving the public. Eddie, keep up the good work. Im sure youll have some good advice for the new District 4 commissioner whomever that will be.

THERE HAS been some recent discussion about the quality of the sexual education at Mary Persons HS. From the MCR July 26 article, MPHS uses the Choosing the Best program for its sex education. At a recent board of education meeting, Lindsey and Sharon Kinsella, 2016 MPHS graduates, petitioned the board to change its sex education curriculum. I applaud these ladies for being passionate about improving the MPHS sex education. Specifically, the women claimed the current curriculum does not provide the comprehensive information needed. I equally applaud Jason Hickman, current student at MPHS, for his letter (Aug 2: What motivates sex ed critics?) in response to the controversy. To use a clich, the proof is in the pudding. According to school officials, Choosing the Best is abstinence based and has been taught for over a decade. The Monroe County Pregnancy Center stated that from 2003-2010 pregnancy rates for girls 15-17 years old dropped by 56% from 30.5 to 13.3 per 1,000. During the same period, the high school graduation rate rose from 50 percent to 85 percent. Based on these figures, I agree with Jason, keep the current curriculum.

MONDAY, AUG. 21 is a total solar eclipse. I was fortunate enough to have seen the last solar eclipse in the United States back in 1979. A total eclipse is a MUST SEE event. DO NOT miss it. Call in sick, skip school, or promise to work on Saturday - do whatever it takes to get into the path of totality. Then, pray for clear skies; youll be amazed.

Weekly Quote: Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded, - Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

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JUST THE WAY IT IS: How do liberals think, or do they? - Monroe County Reporter

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