Letter: It’s the liberals who’ve been brainwashed – INFORUM

Norton Lovolds recent letter to the editor should be eye-opening to those of you that agree with him. He shows how brainwashed he, himself, is by the extremist leftwing news media which includes CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR government broadcasting. And others

He believes FOX is a brainwashing arm of the right. Does any of the leftist media amount to brainwashing or propaganda? Where is the truth to be found?

In my experience (at least as experienced as Lovold due to his timeframe references), I have found that most fear and distrust is based on the left. Climate change crisis has been so for over 50 years of my life, and Earth-ending dates by these leftist extremists keep moving outward as to where we will all be dead long before the Earth has been destroyed by us. But we have to follow them today or perish. There's no real science involved, only predictions based on non-science proven conditions. How else do these predictions never, ever come close to reality?

Government education should not be based on right or left propaganda but on real things, like being able to read, write and know some mathematics. Real history the good, the bad and the ugly - should be taught, not propaganda written by people who have a grudge to grind or a narrative to perpetuate.

Slavery has been a worldwide condition primarily driven by totalitarian governments Socialist, Communist, Islamist.

Steve Johnson is a resident of Fargo.

This letter does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Forum's editorial board nor Forum ownership.

Letter: It's the liberals who've been brainwashed - INFORUM

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