Letter: Liberals are the ones acting deplorable – INFORUM

We knew it would be an interesting show, and had a pretty good idea that Keillor would be taking a "victory lap" over the win. We listened politely to the opening monolog and the "Amazing day for everybody" comment and later disparaging remarks about Bush and Cheney.

We did not hold up signs, protest, or shout down Keillor; they won and we lost, we accepted that is how the peaceful transfer of power happens in a Constitutional Republic.

All the people across this land who did not vote for Obama, did not riot on Wednesday after the 2008 election, nor Thursday, the next week, next year, destroy businesses, burn buildings, or shut down liberal speech on campuses. No, they went back to work doing what they were doing the day before the election.

We who live in "flyover" country endured the left's sanctimonious remarks and lived our lives for the eight years of Obama's administration, with increased regulations, the Affordable Care Act, where "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan," "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," and "you will save $2,500 on average per year." All untrue, but still we did not riot or destroy property, we continued to work to pay our bills, save something for retirement, and to pass something onto our children and grandchildren.

So, us "deplorables" as we have become known, protested at the ballot box in 2016, and elected a "non-politician" who was saying many of the things we believed in, "repeal and replace Obama Care, roll back regulations, secure our borders, fix the VA, increase jobs and get the economy growing at a faster pace."

Now it is your turn, and the people on your side, to allow our duly elected president to move the country in the direction he and his voter believe is the correct direction. If you don't like the direction the country is moving, just as we who voted Trump in didn't like the direction of the last eight years, you can vote him out in three and a half years. You didn't win at the ballot box and now you are trying to use Russian collusion, a special counsel and obstruction to undo the will of the Trump voters.

I'm not quite sure what President Trump had to do with your high school reunion article, other than his name didn't come up, but you used the opportunity to denigrate the President and his family. Maybe you should have another tomato.

Butts lives in Bismarck.

Read more from the original source:
Letter: Liberals are the ones acting deplorable - INFORUM

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