Letter: Liberals need to wake up to world – Albany Democrat-Herald

As we watched the terrorist attack in Israel on virtually helpless civilians, it is a perfect example of what could happen here.

Israeli civilians are like us, with an abundance of rules that hinder lawful citizens from having firearms, with zero obstacles to those intending harm.

Our past years of essentially weak borders have allowed many unknown individuals to enter our country, and it is extremely likely there are many terrorist cells in the U.S.

In Americas past, every person in our republic was supposed to be armed and capable of defending our country. Every able-bodied person was expected to be capable with arms, essentially citizen soldiers.

We need to return to that purpose; there is the need.

Every family needs to contemplate the Israeli event, and decide whether to have some means of protection.

Liberals need to wake up to the real world and the evil that exists.

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Letter: Liberals need to wake up to world - Albany Democrat-Herald

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