Letter: Not willing to forget all the attacks waged by liberals – Daily Record-News

During the month of January the Daily Record hosted many letters begging for people to get along now that Joe Biden is POTUS. So I searched back and many of these same people were bashing Trump the last four years.

Your comments begging for peace make me sick. You called us deplorable, white supremacists, racist, uneducated, and many other things. Now like all bullies you want us to not bother you to play nice. Elephants never forget..They don't have the best eye sight but they never forget a face. I won't forget your nasty outrageous comments and name calling.

Then we have this post in the comment section. "Fennelle Miller: Jobs have not been lost when they are merely planned for the future." That has got to be one of the most degrading posts I have witnessed in the Daily Record.. Obviously, Fennelle has never had to make ends meet like the peasants do.. She also stated something about having two degrees. So let me explain something to you elite people.

Food, clothing and shelter. the basic to stay alive. Food, 99% comes from some form of farming or ranching..So my question to Miller is this: How many of those laboring in the fields across America have a college degree so you can eat? The loggers who cut the lumber for our homes? Not likely holding a college degree. Clothing made from cotton picked by the cotton pickers. You see folks without the "uneducated you would freeze and starve..So I don't think much of college degrees.. They are for people too lazy to get their hand dirty.

OK and now to Joe Biden, in June 2019 he claimed he would cure cancer if elected. Im pretty sure not one of you libs will hold him to his promise will you?

Liberals cry Trump murdered 400,000 people. Well I expect left-wing liberals have managed to overlook the 53,000 that Joe murdered in the first 20 days. Ellensburg/Kittitas County failed to keep its people safe. They allowed CWU to bring in thousands of people with no restrictions to keeping them on campus. People died!

Final note I cannot respond to the comments you to leave on this letter because Editor Mike says I must buy a subscription to comment in the Daily Record. So besides needing Facebook you need to pay to play. I have this in writing directly from Mr. Gallagher.

Read the original here:
Letter: Not willing to forget all the attacks waged by liberals - Daily Record-News

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