Liberal slant by Sun Chronicle is disappointing | Letters To Editor | – The Sun Chronicle

To the editor:

The recent weekly columns and editorials from the Los Angeles Times and and some of the letters to the editor in The Sun Chronicle have been extremely disappointing.

They all have been extremely biased, at times very nasty, lacking in facts and seem to want to promote racism and division.

The worst was the recent Bill Gouveia column (Its simply un-American, May 31). And what a day to write such garbage. How dare he call me un-American! This man has become nothing but a blowhard, pencil pushing liberal. He has obviously lost all sense of decency and has become nothing but a fool-hearted joke of a columnist. Please have him go away and hire someone with a workable brain.

The articles from The Los Angeles Times have been disgraceful. And all they do is point to the true racism of the liberal Democrats. They are the ones who want to keep division within our country and keep the minorities in a rage with false accusations and false facts that are put out there to enrage them. And the article about the police was so disingenuous it would take a complete page to respond to. (Another victim of the Floyd killing: The right to protest, Opinion, June 1)

The articles from the liberal letter writers are every bit as despicable. If anyone has a difference of opinion they are racist (the favorite word of the liberals), homophobic and just disgraceful people. The writers are even allowed to call others Nazis and lovers of the KKK and such.

Liberals feign unity yet they are the ones who want to see the country remain divided. We should all wonder why that is. And when will this garbage reporting ever end?

Bruce Wessel

North Attleboro

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Liberal slant by Sun Chronicle is disappointing | Letters To Editor | - The Sun Chronicle

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