Liberals and Tories neck and neck in new federal poll

The Liberals and the Tories are statistically tied as Canada heads into an election year, a new Ipsos Reid poll suggests.

If Canadians went to the polls now, 34% would vote for Justin Trudeau's Liberals, while 33% would support Stephen Harper's Conservatives, according to the poll.

The NDP, under Thomas Mulcair, registered at 24% with surveyed voters.

Mario Beaulieu's Bloc would receive 5% of the vote nationally (21% in Quebec) and other parties, including the Green Party under Elizabeth May, would get 4%.

Those percentages are broken down from decided voters.

Of all voters surveyed, 15% said they were still undecided.

Tracking the data over the last three weeks suggests that either the Conservatives or Liberals could jump out in front, Ipsos Reid said.

The poll, conducted for Global News, surveyed 8,268 Canadians in November.

Ipsos Reid estimates it to be accurate to within 1.2%, 19 times out of 20, had all Canadian adults been surveyed.

The federal election is expected no later than next fall.

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Liberals and Tories neck and neck in new federal poll

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