Liberals are the book banners | Letters to the Editor | chronicleonline … – Citrus County Chronicle

Liberals are the book banners

It is well known that progressive liberals, aka, socialists, are the ones known for banning books, just as the Nazi Socialist, Adolf Hitler, the Soviet Socialist, Joseph Stalin, and the Chinese Communist, Mao Zedong, banned books. At some libraries, our socialists have banned the likes of Mark Twain, Harper Lee, Laura Ingalls Wilder, John Steinbeck and even poor Dr. Seuss (search books banned in California).

Its a matter of sensitivity, they say; that is, the mewling sensitivity of 21st Century America. Other books, here and abroad, are being rewritten with offensive words being replaced, words like mother, father, sister, brother and fat, such as the current rewrite of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl. Indeed, Harry Potter is under attack for that author voicing her opinion on transgenderism.

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Also, like the regimes of Stalin and Mao, history is being not only rewritten, but turned into fiction and taught as fact. I do wonder when theyll get to Herodotus and Livy.

Republicans are not the ones banning those books. If, however, Republicans wish to limit little childrens exposure to what is essentially pornography and books geared toward sexual exploitation of children, then a clarion call goes out, at which point progressives fall in unison to the ground, flop around like flounders, foaming at the mouth yet able to scream, Republicans are burning books! Tsk.

Oh, but the Roberto Clemente book was banned! No, it wasnt. That childrens book was reviewed and approved, although Hakeem Jeffries would have it otherwise to advance a false charge of racism. Now, in a tit-for-tat, some progressives would ban the Bible, because parts can be racy. (Would they ban the Quran? Its the Old Testament plus Mohammed.) Those parts concern adult instruction for Jews, Christians and Muslims. I doubt, even if an eight-year-old could and would wade through The Song of Solomon, he or she would notice it.

Otherwise, if anyone is looking for a good book to read, I strongly recommend Anita Loos, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as well as her sequel, But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes. If some of our new state residents are interested in Florida history, Bubble in the Sun, by Christopher Knowlton is good, as is Shadow Country, by Peter Matthiessen, if those books havent been banned by progressive friends.

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Liberals are the book banners | Letters to the Editor | chronicleonline ... - Citrus County Chronicle

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