Liberals attack Republican Sen. Dean Heller for opposing a bill they want him to oppose – Washington Examiner

As of now, Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., plans to cast the same vote on Senate Republicans' healthcare legislation as every single member of the Democratic Party. Despite that, Democrats are attacking him anyway.

Parroting his peers across the aisle, Heller said of the bill last Friday, "I cannot support a piece of legislation that takes insurance away from tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Nevadans." That line could be ripped from straight from a speech given by any Senate Democrat.

Nevertheless, as Politico highlighted, several powerful liberal organizations responded by blasting Heller as "cowardly" and "utterly spineless." EMILY's List called Heller's opposition to the bill "entirely self-serving." American Bridge PAC accused him of making "a craven attempt to save his political career."

After demanding Republicans oppose the bill because it leaves people uninsured, they are slamming a Republican for opposing the bill because it leaves people uninsured. There is, perhaps, no more transparent an illustration of how Democrats are using the legislation as a political football.

If they believe Republicans should oppose the bill, why are they attacking a Republican for opposing the bill? If opposing the bill is moral, as they say, why is it immoral for Heller to oppose the bill? Because there is political capital to be gained.

Of course, both parties are currently and have been playing partisan politics with healthcare reform for years. But for all the Democratic rhetoric about the people they believe will suffer under the Republican plan, most members of the party express little sympathy for the people currently suffering under their own plan. It's easier to wax dramatic about the future than take responsibility for the problems they created in the present.

Heller is vulnerable in 2018, making his seat an attractive target for Democrats. Nevada has been inundated with ads from both sides pressuring Heller to either support or oppose his party's healthcare legislation.

The reactions of these outside groups are just another reminder that for all their dramatic spin about potential suffering (which conveniently glosses over all the current suffering) Democrats would prefer to unseat Republicans than admit Obamacare has failed and work to fix the system.

Emily Jashinskyis a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

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Liberals attack Republican Sen. Dean Heller for opposing a bill they want him to oppose - Washington Examiner

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