Liberals' 'broken promises' will bite: Bryan Green

Dec. 10, 2014, 10:30 a.m.

State Liberals have not learned from Tony Abott's woes, Labor Leader Bryan Green says.

Bryan Green

IF THERE is one lesson to be taken from Tony Abbott's plummeting political fortunes, it is that people cannot stand governments that say one thing before the election and either fail to deliver, or worse, do the exact opposite of what they promised.

I acknowledge that Labor still has a lot of work to do to rebuild trust with the community.

We got the message loud and clear from our election loss.

But the difference between Labor and the current Tasmanian Liberal government is that we are listening and learning from our own experiences.

Will Hodgman, on the other hand, doesn't appear to be listening at all.

In fact, he seems intent on repeating the mistakes of Tony Abbott and the recently deposed Liberal government in Victoria.

There were two glaring examples of the Tasmanian Liberals' duplicity during last week's government business enterprise hearings.

Liberals' 'broken promises' will bite: Bryan Green

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