Liberals cause decline in church attendance | Letters to the Editor … – Citrus County Chronicle

A letter writer laments the decrease in the numbers attending church, and blames it on politics. In many respects one would have to agree although the reasoning from the point of view about to be given will be in contrast to Ms Dobronyis reasoning. First and foremost our country and God are joined through the words of the founders in the constitution, and our own pledge of allegiance.

Where politics have influenced some religions is the views on abortion, patronizing the LGBT&Q community which both are anathema to the words of the Bible. Religion does not call them out for their sins but embraces their presence. Christians are also instructed to work or they shall not eat. Condoning children being born out of wedlock without speaking against it.

Liberalism is a direct contradiction to the Ten Commandments and it has infiltrated the government to restrict or ban certain displays including Manger Scenes, displays of the 10 commandments on government properties, federal and local. Prayer has been banned in schools and before and after athletic events.

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As adamant liberals are of allowing transgenders to read to children, how would they be if a group of Christians wanted to read to those same children? Liberal heads would spin around and explode.

Believe in God? Then you believe he created two and only two sexes, you need to believe that welfare going to physically able individuals is theft from those that toil and are taxed to support them. You have to believe that taking care of your fellow man means you dig into your own pocket, share your knowledge, demonstrate your caring personally, not through some government program you think is wonderful because it saves you from actually doing something yourself.

Listen carefully to the rhetoric of the young when they ask questions like

Because evil exists, God cannot be all-powerful. all-knowing and loving and good at the same time?

Because God allows pain, disease and natural disasters to exist, he cannot be all-powerful and also loving and good in the human sense of these words?

Destinies are not allocated on the basis of merit or equality. They are allocated either arbitrarily, or on the principle of "to him who has, shall be given, and from him who has not shall be taken even that which he has." God cannot be all-powerful and all-knowing and also just in the human sense of the word.

See the original post here:
Liberals cause decline in church attendance | Letters to the Editor ... - Citrus County Chronicle

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