Liberals: Clever, But Oblivious – Canada Free Press

Liberals belong only on the stage, for the curious, not to be taken seriously. That is common sense

Among the great mysteries of the universe are questions the lucid among mankind have asked for generationssuch as:

Why are liberals so enamored with Islam and so hostile towards Christianity?Islamists, if given the opportunity, would behead every godless liberal they found.

Why do liberals want to protect violent criminals and condemned prisoners, but are willing to kill the unborn right up to the time of birth?

Why do liberals want to apply socialist/communist solutions to problems when socialism has never worked anywhere in the world at any time?

And the question of our time: Why do liberals want to admit unskilled illegal aliens, criminal or otherwise, without extreme vetting, into our country while turning away many would-be legals like scientists and engineers?

No one can deny that most true liberal believers are intelligent. But, something is missing. Liberals are intellect without discipline, without God, flashlights without batteries. As explained in Psychology Today (PT), they are intelligent people that incorrectly apply abstract logical reasoning to social and interpersonal domains.

PT further explains that the ability to think and reason evolved as a means to solve common problems such as parenting, personal relationships and social dealings, referred today as common sense. Everyone is equipped with common sense, but liberals have a tendency to over apply their analytical and logical reasoning abilities, derived from their intelligence, incorrectly.

Liberals feel in situations where they are supposed to think and think in situations where they are supposed to feel. For any given problem, the application of common sense to a liberal is just thatcommon. Many intelligent people, especially liberals, are anything but common. In many cases they refuse to apply common sense when their intellect says there is a better way.

Liberals think they are being clever, when in actuality they are being oblivious to reality. If you disagree with them, they are convinced it is because you do not understand.

Liberals always prefer absurdly complex solutions to common sense solutions, displaying their intellect, their god-like qualities, the more complex the better. So godlike, in fact, that true liberals have a terrible time believing in God, a being infinitely more intelligent than themselves, if that is possible.

Only a liberal would think that spending to prevent bankruptcy is smart. Only a liberal would think a gun free zone would prevent criminals from carrying guns. Only liberals would require safe zones to protect themselves from common sense. Only a liberal would require 20,000 pages to cover a health care law that makes almost everyone unhappy.

What is so infuriating is that the clever but oblivious have completely taken over the Democratic Party, the media and academia. It cannot be stressed strongly enough that we need to prevent liberals from entering government, education, the media and anywhere else they may affect other peoples lives. Liberals belong only on the stage, for the curious, not to be taken seriously. That is common sense.

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Liberals: Clever, But Oblivious - Canada Free Press

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