Liberals Foresee Thousandsor Even MillionsDying in Wake of AHCA Passage – Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) / Getty

BY: Charles Fain Lehman May 4, 2017 3:50 pm

The House of Representatives on Thursday voted 217 to 213topass the American Health Care Act, a Republican bill aimed atrepealing Obamacare and replacing it withmore conservative reforms to the country's health care system.

But whileRepublicans rejoiced atthis next step towardsrepeal, manyon the left went on Twitter to lament the impending massacre of thousands, or even millions, of Americans that would result from the AHCA's passage and the potential repeal of Obamacare.

From the halls of Congress, Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.)tweeted that after Thursday's vote,the House GOP "will have the death of thousands of [sic] your conscience forever." Murphy subsequently referred to the bill as a "deliberate decision to hurt millions."

The day before the vote, Murphy also insistedthat "thousands will die if this bill becomes law."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) was also certain that "people will die," but did not say quite how many.

Similar reactions came from the likes of former Hillary Clinton staffer Matt Ortega, who said that House Republicans "condemn many to death," and Dar'shun Kendrick, a Democratic Georgia State representative, who brought up Hillary Clinton's emails by comparison.

The left-wing media also foresaw the deaths of Americans resulting from the vote.

"House Republicans vote to sentence millions of Americans to death" wasthe headline from Daily Kos, a liberal political site.

The same responses came from several left-leaning journalists, including one who proposed a new Bud Light slogan: "You've just condemned millions of people to death. How about a nice cold Bud Light?"

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Liberals Foresee Thousandsor Even MillionsDying in Wake of AHCA Passage - Washington Free Beacon

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