Liberals, Media Members Pan Democrats for ‘Better Deal’ Slogan – Washington Free Beacon

BY: David Rutz July 26, 2017 5:00 am

The new economic slogan for Democrats is not getting rave reviews from progressives and members of the media; in fact, it's receiving outright mocking in some corners.

Entitled "A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages," the economic agenda was rolled out Monday by top Democrats in Virginia as they plot a way back to power in Washington.

Former Barack Obama speechwriters Jon Lovett and Jon Favreau both criticized the new slogan on their podcast "Pod Save America," with Lovett saying he thought it was "garbage" upon first hearing of it.

MSNBC host and former Republican Joe Scarborough called the slogan "so bland" and "so terrible," and liberalWashington Postcolumnist Eugene Robinson said it lacked emotional heft.

"There's nothing there that sort of punches you in the gut, that tears at your heart, that involves you emotionally," he said.

Former Democratic congressman Harold Ford Jr. added on "Morning Joe" that the slogan "misses the point."

MSNBC host Chris Jansing noted the derisive comparisons on social media to the Papa John's slogan, "Better Ingredients. Better Pizza." She said it didn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Progressive commentator David Pakman referred to "A Better Deal" as "flaccid," and former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean said Sunday, "Do I think it's the best slogan I ever heard? No, but it's a start."

While interviewing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) on Tuesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell asked him for his take on the "stirring" new slogan for the Democrats, adding she was speaking ironically.

"A better deal?" she asked skeptically.

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Liberals, Media Members Pan Democrats for 'Better Deal' Slogan - Washington Free Beacon

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