Liberals Want To Kill Free Speech, So We Patriots Must Fight Back – Townhall


Posted: Apr 24, 2017 12:01 AM

Understand that if America is stupid enough to let liberals take power again, they will persecute and prosecute normal Americans like us who dare to dissent. Thats not a guess or a prediction thats a commitment they have made to their fascist followers. Theyve seen what the truth can do to their schemes. After 2016, theres no way they are going to take a chance on another electoral rejection by us normals, so they dont even pretend to support free speech anymore. It will be one gender neutral being-one vote, one more time, and then never again.

Hold on. Thats clearly nuts, right? This is obviously crazy talk thats talking crazy, isnt it? Dont liberals love free speech?


We know they dont love free speech because they tell us they dont, in both words and deeds. The whole free speech thing lost a lot of its luster for the libs when people like us decided to try it out. The liberals didnt count on that free speech was supposed to be their jam, a way to offend, annoy, and outrage us squares, to blow our bourgeois minds with their transgressive, no-holds-barred free thoughtery and critical thinkery. But they never intended for it to allow those banjo-strumming rubes living between I-5 and I-95 to express wrong thoughts and thereby win elections.

So now the progressives are trying to do something about it. Recently, every single Democrat voted to effectively repeal the First Amendment. You see, the words Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech were too expansive for liberals tastes because they prevented Congress from making laws abridging the freedom of speech.

This creepy idiocy was in response to Citizens United, a Supreme Court case that, to people who actually believe in free speech and not liberal fascism, conforms to the First Amendment by telling the federal government that no, you cant put people in jail for making a movie critical of Hillary Clinton.

Yes, you read it correctly. Democrats think that Congress should be able to make laws to put people in jail for making movies critical of Democrat politicians. Roll that around in your head for a while.

Now, they call it campaign finance reform, and their argument is that they arent really limiting speech - just limiting how people spend their own money. Apparently, under the First Amendment, we are allowed to say anything we want, but Congress can pass a law telling us that we just cant spend any money to actually be heard.

It would mean the government can tell us we cant buy paper, we cant buy ads, we cant buy video tape, we cant pay a film crew or writers, and we cant pay for airtime. Congress could even tell us we cant buy internet access to post our thoughts on Twitter or Facebook. And Congress, in the Dems utopia, could even pass a law not letting you spend a few measly pennies to buy my awesome book about how liberals will split our country in two.

Yes, they want to be able to ban books.

Other than that, under the liberals paradigm, we can speak to our hearts content, though only to people within shouting range. But dont worry. The official, approved mainstream media would be exempt and unofficial, unapproved media, well, not so much. Fake news and all that fake being defined as critical of liberals. Fortunately, wed have such unbiased, nonpartisan, objective outlets like the New York Times and CNN (starring noted free speech scholar Fredo Cuomo) to provide us open forums to air our conservative views. Also, we could get unicorns to skywrite our opinions for free using rainbows spewing from beneath their fluffy tails.

Whats still unclear is what prison sentence Democrats would impose upon someone who breaks the law by exhibiting a film or writing a book critical of Hillary Clinton. One year? Five years? Life in SuperMax? Come on Democrats, how long would you imprison someone for illegal speech?

And what should the penalty be for climate change denial? Since rejecting their weird climate religion is Earth-murder, or something, you would think theyd want to burn you at the stake or is that too carbony?

Then theres that clinical moron Howard Dean, who is ironically famous for his own bizarre exercise of the First Amendment. Leveraging all his intellectual fire power, he recently unloaded his mental squirt gun upon those of us who think the First Amendment means what it actually says. Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment, he announced on Twitter, apparently having discovered a constitutional exception that would allow Democrats to stifle any speech they choose to stick the hate speech label on. Which would, of course, be anything and everything we normals want to say.

This I dont like what you are saying so its hate speech now shut-up footnote to the First Amendment is well-known at our colleges and universities. These bastions of free thinking freely admit thinking that we normals have no right to think freely at all. The fact that California law enforcement is regularly ordered to stand back and allow conservative speakers and their audiences to be intimidated and beaten in order to silence them is just a preview of the new America that liberals dream of. If you imagine the unholy love child of the economic basket case/police state of Venezuela and the grim intolerance of your local campus, you have a pretty good idea of the new, fascist America the Democrats seek to breed.

Think that analysis is wrong? Well, heres a complete list of all prominent Democrats standing up against these free speech abominations:


Liberals should be ashamed of themselves, but then they wouldnt be liberal if they were born with shame genes. So, since we patriots are the only ones who actually support free speech, what do we patriots do to protect it?

Whatever it takes.

We fight peacefully in the political arena, in the courts, and in the shrinking marketplace of ideas while we can, but we must also be ready to fight in the streets when those punky puffboys try to shut us up. No quarter, no compromise, no surrender we fight and win, or they shut us up forever.

Look, the left has told us what it wants the power to force us to be silent and submit. Thats not wacky supposition; thats not fevered imagination. They are open about their agenda, and its happening before our eyes. To pretend that our republic is not facing an existential threat from progressives who would use violence to silence their political opponents is to willfully ignore the evidence, just like a climate cultist ignores cold weather. And the violence has already begun: in fact, it is key to their plan for a free speech-free future. Today its gangs of masked thugs attacking us. Tomorrow, its uniformed men with guns or at least those few spineless cowards among our security forces will ignore their oaths to defend the Constitution in exchange for a paycheck and a pension dragging us off to jail for illegal speech. Or worse.

We patriots face a stark choice. We could choose the easy path of submission and hope that the left will leave us be if we just give in to their demands and give up on our right to participate in our own governance. But that wont ever work the true joy of leftism comes from imposing the leftists collective will upon its designated villains, and one guess as to the identity of those designated villains.


No, they dont want to leave us alone that misses the whole point of being a leftist. A leftist yearns to be the one doing the bullying and dominating. If we give in, we will spend the rest of our lives with their soft, girly hands around our necks.

And if we are so gutless as to give up our God-given rights in exchange for peace, we deserve that pathetic, dishonorable fate.

But we wont give up. We wont surrender. No matter how hard they punch, as Instapundit urges, well punch back twice as hard.

It was funny seeing those antifa dorks get wedgies in Berkeley, but our enemies are serious about stripping us of the rights that our Creator endowed upon all men and women. Many of us are veterans or law enforcement, and our oaths to defend the Constitution even at the cost of our lives did not come with an expiration date. Millions more who did not take one of those oaths subscribe to them nonetheless. We promised not to let a fascist regime take hold, and we intend to keep our promise.

The First Amendment is followed by the Second Amendment for just this reason history will record that our peoples unique refusal to be disarmed by those who seek to steal our liberties was a key factor why we will never be Venezuela II: The Revenge.

Our only chance of avoiding a catastrophe is if our would-be progressive overlords understand that for us normal Americans, there are only two possible outcomes. And living at their mercy as their serfs is not one of them.

The outcome we want is that we normals live free in a democratic republic exercising the rights enshrined in the Constitution, whether because leftists choose to respect our civil rights, or because we force them to respect our civil rights.

The other alternative is that we die on piles of spent brass surrounded by the bodies of our enemies. Either ones cool but submission to slavery is not an option.

That un-American, wannabe fascist Howard Dean need only look at a license plate from neighboring New Hampshire to understand how this is going to end. Well either live free or die.

Go here to read the rest:
Liberals Want To Kill Free Speech, So We Patriots Must Fight Back - Townhall

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