Liberals, What Are You Teaching Your Kids? – American Thinker
Even though Hillary's ad was mostly dishonest (surprise), I do agree with the message that the examples we set are critical to our children's development.
"Role models from an early age are important to children and their development as the models set an example of behavior good or bad and show their influence over others in a way your child will want to emulate." Darlena Cunha, The Influence of Role Models
In other words, kids watch adults and copy their behavior. So what life lessons are we handing down to our youth? Sadly, today's role models are teaching our kids to be bullies, outlaws, babies, and violent anarchists. Our septic media promote only the most reprehensible behavior, the absolute worst examples for our children. For instance:
Behavior: "I'll hunt you down": Today, the powerful entities in our country government, entertainment, corporations, and mainstream media gang up on and bully the Ppesident of the United States. They call him names a joke, phony, fraud, Nazi, fascist, and every version of -phobe. They attack his administration, slow-walk his Cabinet, threaten impeachment, call him mentally incompetent, unhinged, and worse.
And for those who think they'll stand by this president despite the attacks, think again. Tom Brady is hounded by liberals over his friendship with Trump. Celebrities are blacklisted if they offer support. Activist websites openly bully companies to discontinue Trump merchandise. Macy's, Nordstrom's, Burlington, and others have now dropped the Trump label, and the list of capitulating stores is growing.
Lesson: You don't like someone? Stalk him. Trash everything he does. Mock, demean, ridicule, and ostracize this person. For those who still hang with your victim, attack them as well. Harass, threaten, and blackball them until they too turn on your target.
Behavior: "I'll say who's boss": In this age of power by any means, Hollywood hits the airwaves to warn the American people that a dictator has taken control, that Americans are in danger of citizen arrest, deportation squads, and internment camps. Amid their wild accusations, they openly urge resistance and the overthrow of our government. Sarah Silverman and ex-Pentagon official Rosa Brooks actually called for a military coup. Madonna brags that she's thought of "blowing up the White House."
Lesson: Fight authority, defy the law, and openly revolt if you don't get your way. You don't like your parent's rules? Refuse to obey. Take them to court. A teacher's too tough? Organize the class to smear him, lie, accuse, defame until you cost that teacher his job.
Behavior: "WAH!": Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer effectively modeled two-year-old behavior when he literally cried over President Trump's executive order and called the president a big meanie.
Then we have the ubiquitous protests clueless toddlers clogging roads and bridges, screaming, Wah! I want the blue one!
Lesson: Good news, kids: you don't have to really grow up. Just buy bigger clothes.
Behavior: "You didn't really win": When Democrats lost the election, they railed that Putin rigged the election to help Trump steal victory from Hillary. When that fake news was put down by facts, they went to Plan B: Hillary really won the election because she won the popular vote. Like a manager who brags that his boxer was winning on points before losing consciousness, the left cling to their new narrative of an alternative definition of victory.
Lesson: You don't have to settle for second place just because you lost. Kick, scream, and accuse the winner of cheating. Spin his win until you've muddied the waters enough to cast doubt on his victory.
Behavior: "You and what army?": Some mayors and governors openly defy federal law to keep their sanctuary havens, then publicly challenge the president to do anything about it. They go on TV and virtually get in the president's face, telling the world criminal aliens are welcome in their cities.
Lesson: You don't have to obey the rules or the law if you don't like it. Just refuse to comply. Steal the goods right in front of a cop; copy your neighbor's answers with the teacher standing over you; beat the crap out of your younger sibling while your parents watch in horror. Then tell all you're going to keep stealing, cheating, and beating, and dare them to stop you.
Behavior: Hulk Smash: Today, images of marching anarchists fill our screens. We're treated to "poor loser riots," the "Trump said bad things" riots, and now the "just because" riots. Even the supposed "peaceful protests" break the law. By blocking roads and bridges, they keep people from picking up their kids or making a flight, and they block emergency vehicles in life-and-death situations.
The non-peaceful protests, aka riots, are the new holy grail of journalism. The press orgasmically loops video of hooded thugs smashing windows, burning cars and buildings, and beating innocent bystanders unconscious.
Reporters then interview empty vessels who righteously claim "self-defense." The Berkeley campus was destroyed because these imbeciles really believe that the 1st Amendment of the Constitution protects them from opposing views. These geniuses also think the free speech argument is just right-wing propaganda.
The mobocracy violence is supplemented by the left's proxies, who make death threats, call for assassination, and threaten to shut down businesses. Even the designer of the "Make America Great Again" gown worn by Joy Villa at the Grammys drew death threats death threats for making a dress. Zero tolerance.
Lesson: If you don't get your way with bullying and open defiance, trash the place. You don't like what your teacher says? Upend desks, set them on fire, take an axe to the blackboard, and beat up anyone who gets in your way. Your mom grounds you? Smash her big-screen TV and egg her car. It's okay self-defense and all that.
Now, adults take all this with a grain of salt it's politics, it's the left, it's liberals. But kids might get a little fuzzy on the facts.
When the rabid left demands a do-over because Trump "stole the election," the little guys probably wonder if it's true. And when kids are told the dude in the cool black ninja costume setting fire to a building is the good guy, they might pick the wrong superhero.
Or, being children, they probably feel sorry for the sobbing Senator Chuckie and want to know what "meanie" President Trump did to make him cry. And why is President Trump sending all those Mexican mommies away without their kids, and why does he want to blow up the world?
The little darlings can't help themselves. Kids are curious by nature, and these sensational headlines require further exploration, reasonable explanations, and the truth.
So to the unraveling left who can't deal with your loss (including the media), is this bullying, defiance, and violence what you want for your children?
My guess is that leftists want more for their kids. We all do. Most parents want their children to be honest, fair, kind, and unselfish. Parents hope their kids will be humble in victory and gracious in defeat and generous to those less fortunate and, above all, that they'll be happy.
But for children to acquire those traits, they need adults to first model those behaviors. If our media continue to seek out and broadcast the worst of our society, then our kids will grow up with images of anger, hate, anarchy, and violence. If the media stay hell-bent on destroying President Trump, then our children will learn to be defiant, combative, and contemptuous of legal authority.
Like it or not, we are the role models, the people our kids look up to and emulate. Will we give our children a blueprint for misery and failure, or will we give them the tools they need to be happy and successful adults?
For once, Hillary got it right: the children are indeed watching.
In the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton ran an ad called "Role Models." The ad shows small children watching a series of Donald Trump's more controversial moments e.g., the alleged mocking of the disabled reporter and other selective sound bites. Text then flashes on the screen:
Our children are watching What example will we set for them?
Even though Hillary's ad was mostly dishonest (surprise), I do agree with the message that the examples we set are critical to our children's development.
"Role models from an early age are important to children and their development as the models set an example of behavior good or bad and show their influence over others in a way your child will want to emulate." Darlena Cunha, The Influence of Role Models
In other words, kids watch adults and copy their behavior. So what life lessons are we handing down to our youth? Sadly, today's role models are teaching our kids to be bullies, outlaws, babies, and violent anarchists. Our septic media promote only the most reprehensible behavior, the absolute worst examples for our children. For instance:
Behavior: "I'll hunt you down": Today, the powerful entities in our country government, entertainment, corporations, and mainstream media gang up on and bully the Ppesident of the United States. They call him names a joke, phony, fraud, Nazi, fascist, and every version of -phobe. They attack his administration, slow-walk his Cabinet, threaten impeachment, call him mentally incompetent, unhinged, and worse.
And for those who think they'll stand by this president despite the attacks, think again. Tom Brady is hounded by liberals over his friendship with Trump. Celebrities are blacklisted if they offer support. Activist websites openly bully companies to discontinue Trump merchandise. Macy's, Nordstrom's, Burlington, and others have now dropped the Trump label, and the list of capitulating stores is growing.
Lesson: You don't like someone? Stalk him. Trash everything he does. Mock, demean, ridicule, and ostracize this person. For those who still hang with your victim, attack them as well. Harass, threaten, and blackball them until they too turn on your target.
Behavior: "I'll say who's boss": In this age of power by any means, Hollywood hits the airwaves to warn the American people that a dictator has taken control, that Americans are in danger of citizen arrest, deportation squads, and internment camps. Amid their wild accusations, they openly urge resistance and the overthrow of our government. Sarah Silverman and ex-Pentagon official Rosa Brooks actually called for a military coup. Madonna brags that she's thought of "blowing up the White House."
Lesson: Fight authority, defy the law, and openly revolt if you don't get your way. You don't like your parent's rules? Refuse to obey. Take them to court. A teacher's too tough? Organize the class to smear him, lie, accuse, defame until you cost that teacher his job.
Behavior: "WAH!": Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer effectively modeled two-year-old behavior when he literally cried over President Trump's executive order and called the president a big meanie.
Then we have the ubiquitous protests clueless toddlers clogging roads and bridges, screaming, Wah! I want the blue one!
Lesson: Good news, kids: you don't have to really grow up. Just buy bigger clothes.
Behavior: "You didn't really win": When Democrats lost the election, they railed that Putin rigged the election to help Trump steal victory from Hillary. When that fake news was put down by facts, they went to Plan B: Hillary really won the election because she won the popular vote. Like a manager who brags that his boxer was winning on points before losing consciousness, the left cling to their new narrative of an alternative definition of victory.
Lesson: You don't have to settle for second place just because you lost. Kick, scream, and accuse the winner of cheating. Spin his win until you've muddied the waters enough to cast doubt on his victory.
Behavior: "You and what army?": Some mayors and governors openly defy federal law to keep their sanctuary havens, then publicly challenge the president to do anything about it. They go on TV and virtually get in the president's face, telling the world criminal aliens are welcome in their cities.
Lesson: You don't have to obey the rules or the law if you don't like it. Just refuse to comply. Steal the goods right in front of a cop; copy your neighbor's answers with the teacher standing over you; beat the crap out of your younger sibling while your parents watch in horror. Then tell all you're going to keep stealing, cheating, and beating, and dare them to stop you.
Behavior: Hulk Smash: Today, images of marching anarchists fill our screens. We're treated to "poor loser riots," the "Trump said bad things" riots, and now the "just because" riots. Even the supposed "peaceful protests" break the law. By blocking roads and bridges, they keep people from picking up their kids or making a flight, and they block emergency vehicles in life-and-death situations.
The non-peaceful protests, aka riots, are the new holy grail of journalism. The press orgasmically loops video of hooded thugs smashing windows, burning cars and buildings, and beating innocent bystanders unconscious.
Reporters then interview empty vessels who righteously claim "self-defense." The Berkeley campus was destroyed because these imbeciles really believe that the 1st Amendment of the Constitution protects them from opposing views. These geniuses also think the free speech argument is just right-wing propaganda.
The mobocracy violence is supplemented by the left's proxies, who make death threats, call for assassination, and threaten to shut down businesses. Even the designer of the "Make America Great Again" gown worn by Joy Villa at the Grammys drew death threats death threats for making a dress. Zero tolerance.
Lesson: If you don't get your way with bullying and open defiance, trash the place. You don't like what your teacher says? Upend desks, set them on fire, take an axe to the blackboard, and beat up anyone who gets in your way. Your mom grounds you? Smash her big-screen TV and egg her car. It's okay self-defense and all that.
Now, adults take all this with a grain of salt it's politics, it's the left, it's liberals. But kids might get a little fuzzy on the facts.
When the rabid left demands a do-over because Trump "stole the election," the little guys probably wonder if it's true. And when kids are told the dude in the cool black ninja costume setting fire to a building is the good guy, they might pick the wrong superhero.
Or, being children, they probably feel sorry for the sobbing Senator Chuckie and want to know what "meanie" President Trump did to make him cry. And why is President Trump sending all those Mexican mommies away without their kids, and why does he want to blow up the world?
The little darlings can't help themselves. Kids are curious by nature, and these sensational headlines require further exploration, reasonable explanations, and the truth.
So to the unraveling left who can't deal with your loss (including the media), is this bullying, defiance, and violence what you want for your children?
My guess is that leftists want more for their kids. We all do. Most parents want their children to be honest, fair, kind, and unselfish. Parents hope their kids will be humble in victory and gracious in defeat and generous to those less fortunate and, above all, that they'll be happy.
But for children to acquire those traits, they need adults to first model those behaviors. If our media continue to seek out and broadcast the worst of our society, then our kids will grow up with images of anger, hate, anarchy, and violence. If the media stay hell-bent on destroying President Trump, then our children will learn to be defiant, combative, and contemptuous of legal authority.
Like it or not, we are the role models, the people our kids look up to and emulate. Will we give our children a blueprint for misery and failure, or will we give them the tools they need to be happy and successful adults?
For once, Hillary got it right: the children are indeed watching.
Read the rest here:
Liberals, What Are You Teaching Your Kids? - American Thinker
- Texas Politics Keeps Moving Rightward. Meet Ten Liberals Who Fled the State. - Texas Monthly - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Facebook Fact Checks Were Never Going to Save Us. They Just Made Liberals Feel Better. - The Intercept - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Liberals win support of NDP, independents by promising enhanced review of Churchill Falls MOU - Yahoo News UK - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Rebuilding the Liberals after Trudeau - The Globe and Mail - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Opinion: To avoid decimation, the Liberals likely need a leader from Quebec - The Globe and Mail - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Several top Liberals say they're eyeing leadership but they're waiting to see the rules first - Yahoo News Canada - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- The Liberals could be crushed in the next election. Why would anyone want to lead them? - CBC News - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Local Liberals applaud Trudeau and his decision to leave while Conservatives lament his legacy - Calgary Herald - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Liberals Are Facing a Global Meltdown - AMAC Official Website - Join and Explore the Benefits - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- Canada's Trudeau resigns after nine years in power as Liberals force him out - The Japan Times - January 9th, 2025 [January 9th, 2025]
- LGBTQ liberals start arming themselves over baseless fear of being placed in 'concentration camps:' report - New York Post - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Harvard: Liberals Struggle More with Mental Health - Patheos - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Liberals in a better place with Canadians on carbon tax, says Guilbeault - - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- With Justin Trudeau's Resignation Coming, What's Next For Canada And The Liberals? - Times Now - January 6th, 2025 [January 6th, 2025]
- Why Liberals Struggle to Cope With Epochal Change - The Atlantic - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- Austrian liberals quit coalition talks, throwing process into turmoil - Reuters - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- The Federal Liberals New Years Eve Nightmare: Party vote intent sinks to 16%, Trudeau approval at all-time low - Angus Reid Institute - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- Braid: Extinction in Parliament is now a real threat to Liberals under Justin Trudeau - Calgary Herald - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- Joe Oliver: Where do Trudeau and the Liberals go from here? - Financial Post - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- GUNTER: Liberals heading into election a desperate party - Toronto Sun - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- Liberals amnesty for banned guns ends this year. Heres what gun owners need to know - True North - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- A spirited debate: Liberals, conservatives and you - Spectrum News - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Report ties Romanian liberals to TikTok campaign that fueled pro-Russia candidate - POLITICO Europe - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Breakenridge: UCP at a loss when not battling Trudeau's Liberals - Calgary Herald - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Why Liberals Will Give Two Cheers for Trump - Foreign Policy In Focus - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Kelly McParland: The Liberals have only one choice an election - National Post - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Poilievre Opens 25-Point Lead over Trudeau on Being Best Equipped to Deal with Trump. Liberals (20%, -1) and NDP (20%, -1) Battle for Second while... - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Faizan Mustafa writes: Why liberals and minorities need to value Mohan Bhagwats words - The Indian Express - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- From Public Defender To Public Servant If Liberals Were Honest, Theyd Love The Kash Patel Story - tippinsights - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- LILLEY: Infighting shows Liberals can't run their party or country - Toronto Sun - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Whats next for Trudeau and the Liberals after a chaotic 2024 - The Globe and Mail - December 25th, 2024 [December 25th, 2024]
- Liberals founded the United States and will continue to make it a great nation | Letters - Tennessean - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Abortion is the last refuge of the Liberals - The Globe and Mail - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- David Harsanyi: Don't trash the Constitution to dunk on the liberals - The Union Leader - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Democrats and College Liberals: Severely Out of Touch - The Colgate Maroon-News - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Liberals Are Already Fighting Each Other On Bluesky - Outkick - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- An ad supporting Jenifer Branning finds imaginary liberals on the Mississippi Supreme Court - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Dont Trash the Constitution To Dunk on the Liberals - The New York Sun - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Want To Exchange Ideas With Annoying Liberals Like Yourself? Here's How To Delete Your X Account and Join Bluesky. - Washington Free Beacon - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Unprincipled Liberals & the Principle of Cause and Effect - The European Conservative - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Piers Morgan Wants Liberals to 'Just Shut Up' About Trump Winning the Election: 'Enough of It' | Video - TheWrap - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Jewish liberals should follow Morning Joe and drop the resistance - - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- The Week in Polling: Liberals and NDP tied for first time since 2015, Canadians twice as likely to feel worse off financially than better, and most... - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Chris Selley: Hoping Trump will help them isn't looking good for the Liberals - National Post - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- How Bluesky is coping with influx of liberals rushing to quit X - The Times - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- The winners and losers of the Liberals holiday tax break and cash giveaway - Toronto Star - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- The winners and losers of the Liberals' holiday tax break and cash giveaway - CTV News - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- John Ivison: Trudeau Liberals finally recognize their dance partner and it's not Mexico - National Post - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Liberals to cut GST on beer, childrens toys and Christmas trees - National Post - November 23rd, 2024 [November 23rd, 2024]
- Behind Trumps victory lies a cold reality: liberals have no answers for a modern age in crisis - The Guardian - November 19th, 2024 [November 19th, 2024]
- Dont trash the Constitution to dunk on the liberals - Washington Examiner - November 19th, 2024 [November 19th, 2024]
- Opinion: Quebec Liberals are working on many fronts, not only on a constitution - Montreal Gazette - November 19th, 2024 [November 19th, 2024]
- MSNBCs Jason Johnson Blasts Liberals Alleging Voter Fraud: There Is No Evidence That Any of That Is True Whatsoever - Mediaite - November 19th, 2024 [November 19th, 2024]
- Bay Area Jewish liberals are feeling numb after Trumps win over local favorite Harris - The Jewish News of Northern California - November 19th, 2024 [November 19th, 2024]
- Liberals Cant Stop Gushing Over Trumps Foreign Policy Team - The Nation - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Liberals cant afford to cut Trump supporters out of their lives - Washington Examiner - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- The New Election Conspiracy Theory Thats Coming From Liberals - Slate - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Liberals pressure Senate Democrats to confirm more Biden judges while they can - The Associated Press - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Crybaby liberals bawl over election results - Washington Times - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Bill Maher eviscerates 'privileged' and 'stupid' liberals who make voters 'want to punch them in the face' - Daily Mail - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Braid: Liberals brag about carbon tax as Trump takes the axe to U.S. climate action - Calgary Herald - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Ezra Klein to Liberals Blaming FOX News, Saying The Economy Is Actually Good: "Shut The F*ck Up With That" - RealClearPolitics - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- To all Scotland's 'liberals', no-one gives a Friar Tuck if you flounce away from X - HeraldScotland - November 17th, 2024 [November 17th, 2024]
- Yale Psychiatrist Tells Liberals 'It's Fine' To Cut Ties With Trump-Voting Family Members | Watch - News18 - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- MSNBC's Al Sharpton goes off on 'latte liberals' who 'speak for people they don't speak to' - Fox News - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Yale psychiatrist calls it essential for liberals to cut off Trump-voting loved ones during holidays - Yahoo! Voices - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- 'BAD ADVICE': Yale psychiatrist grilled for telling liberals to cut ties with Trump-supporting loved ones - Fox News - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Opinion: Liberals only interested in a woman's right to an abortion not choice - National Post - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Bill Maher Unloads on Liberals: Youre Brats, and Youre Snobs, and People Dont Like That! - Mediaite - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Quebec Liberals take shots at Pablo Rodriguez and Justin Trudeau over economic record - National Post - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Not Expected to Cave to Liberals' Retirement Hopes - The Daily Beast - November 12th, 2024 [November 12th, 2024]
- Face it, liberals, this is what millions wanted - The Times - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Now Democrats must face the future: What do liberals actually want? - Salon - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Investor offers his private jet to 'crying liberals' & celebs who promised to leave US if Donald Trump... - Moneycontrol - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- The morning after: a kitchen table convo between two southern liberals - Daily Kos - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Scott Baugh pulls ahead of Dave Min, conservatives on track to unseat liberals in Huntington Beach - Los Angeles Times - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- 'Canada will be absolutely fine': Liberals try to reassure Canadians they are ready for Trump 2.0 - National Post - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Liberals a third as likely to describe themselves as highly masculine than conservatives : study - New York Post - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Liberals stepped over the bodies of Palestinian women to vote for Kamala Harris - Prism - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]
- Perspective: Liberals and conservatives dont have to be at war - Deseret News - November 8th, 2024 [November 8th, 2024]