Liberals win Tasmania but fall short in Sth Australia

Voters have turned against the last two remaining Labor state governments but have left a hung Parliament in South Australia and a new Tasmanian premier.

Will Hodgman ended 16 years of Labor rule in Tasmania with a 12% swing that gave the Liberals 51% of the statewide vote and at least 14 seats in the 25-seat assembly.

The last vote count suggested the Liberals would win 14 or 15 seats, Labor six to eight and the Greens three to five, with final results unlikely to be known until the counting of final postal votes from March 25.

The Liberals and Labor held 10 seats in the previous Parliament with the Greens holding the balance of power with five.

Majority vote fails to cement power In South Austrlia, two independent MPs look likely to hold the balance of power as the Liberals succumbed to a late swing to Labor over union fears penalty rates would come under attack.

The Liberals, led by Steven Marshall, ended 12 years of Labor rule and are hoping 260,000 pre-poll and postal votes could improve their position. But Mr Marshall has conceded his government could fall two seats short of a majority.

Labors 27% was its lowest statewide primary vote after a 9.6% swing against it. The Liberals recorded a 12% swing in their favour, though the unions are claiming the penalty rates issue kept this down.

On current projections, the Liberal Party is forecast to win four seats three from Labor and the independent-held seat of Mount Gambier.

Labor is expected to hold on to 23 seats in the 47-seat House of Assembly, while the Liberals will increase their seat count to 22.

Both parties will then need to rely on the support of independent MPs Bob Such, a former Liberal minister, and Geoff Brock, who holds the regional seat of Frome, to form minority government.

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Liberals win Tasmania but fall short in Sth Australia

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