Michele Bachmann: Liberals are letting the Antichrist come to power – ThinkProgress

CREDIT: AP/Manuel BalceCeneta

Michele Bachmann believes liberal opponents of Donald Trump could bring about the end of the worldby hastening the coming of the Antichrist.

According to Right Wing Watch and the Friendly Atheist, the Republican and former Minnesota congresswoman made the apocalyptic prediction last week during an appearance on a Last Days radio program. The shows host, Jan Markell, asked Bachmann about globalists, a group she says includes American liberals who want a one world system and no borders. Markell said the group lost big time after the election of Donald Trump, sparking Bachman to compare them to the builders of the biblical Tower of Babel.

There has always been two competing ideologies: one that wants to follow the truth of the Lord God, and those who want to rebel against the creator God, Bachmann said, explaining that those who rebel want a manmade, one-world system.

Bachmann then announced that modern-day supporters of a what she called a borderless world she name-checked G-28Davos-types[and] billionairesare setting the stage for the end of the world.

Scripture tells us that in the End Times, that is what [the] Antichrist will behe will be a part of a one-world system, she said. There are people who reject Judeo-Christian truth and instead want to insert and usurp control of all of our lives with a global, economic and political government.

Bachmann, an evangelical Christian, is well known for spouting right-wing theological positions, some of which are common among conservative people of faith (e.g., that homosexuality is part of Satan) and others that are decidedly fringe (e.g., that September 11 terrorist attacks were the result of God punishing America). She is also a longtime supporter of Trump: Bachmann served on Trumps Evangelical Executive Advisory Board during the 2016 campaign, and spoke as a surrogate at his rallies.

But while its unclear what Bachmann and Markell mean by a borderless world, their theological views appear to be out-of-step with the pro-immigrant slant of most religious Americans. Majorities of every major faith group in the country support some form of comprehensive immigration reform according to PRRI, with most backing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Meanwhile, faith groups have also been staunch opponents of Trumps anti-immigrant rhetoric, and a record number of worship communities have pledged to offer sanctuary to undocumented immigrants at risk of deportation by his administration. Religious groups have also overwhelmingly opposed both iterations of Trumps now-stalled Muslim ban, which prohibits refugees and immigration from six (previously seven) Muslim-majority countries.

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Michele Bachmann: Liberals are letting the Antichrist come to power - ThinkProgress

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