OPINION: Kathy Griffin is just the tip of the liberal violence iceberg – The Hill (blog)

One of the pillars of democracy erodes before our eyes. The ability to disagree with the politically different disintegrates under red and black flags, and hooded rioters obscuring their faces. Its not Donald TrumpDonald TrumpPerez: Trumps allegiance is with Putin Pro-Paris agreement protest planned outside the White House Thursday Bloomberg: '55 percent chance' Trump will win reelection MOREs secret police. Its not something out of a dystopian novel. Its the very real culture of permissive violence exploding from todays left. Bit by bit, this sort of behavior becomes quickly normalized (in the parlance du jour) and escalated.

While theres generally been blackout coverage of these mostly peaceful riots in the legacy media, every once in awhile something breaks through. Such is the case with the ever desperate Kathy Griffins latest sickening stunt. Griffin, who most people arent exactly sure why she is famous, posed for photos featuring the decapitated head of President Trump. Intended for an audience eager for more and more radical action, Griffin jumped over a big red line. Even CNN had to ask: did shecommit a felony?

The real underlying question is why Griffin thought that such an odious action was acceptable in the first place. In the echo chamber of the modern left wing, its obvious. Where is the swift condemnation of the stunt by this comedian? Whataboutisms abounded, said one Twitter commentatorwith 217 followers a random hillbilly once depicted a hanged President Obama!

Some criticism came in from the left, including CNNs Jake Tapper. He hosted a segment where surprise, surprise, his panel said the network hadbetter things to talk aboutthan her. Considering the news network employs her for their New Years I forgot to turn on Ryan Seacrest snoozefest says enough.

Will this incident live past this news cycle? Will there be solemn op-eds calling for soul searching among leaders of the Democratic Party for their tacit support of violent rhetoric and its predictable results? How many Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert monologues will ridicule Griffin back into obscurity? Unfortunately, such questions are a waste of time. Even violence committed by that side of the aisle gets blamed on the White House.

One of the rioters in Berkeley was finally arrested for assaulting a Trump supporterwith a bike lock. Kellyanne Conway called on Democratic Party leaders toquell the rising violenceamong their supporters. Police againarrested violent protestersduring the Peoples Republic of Seattles May Day. Black clad antifa rioters assault and intimidate citizens and pro-Trump marchers.

Meanwhile, if you turned on the mainstream media, you would think that President Trump was personally leading a campaign of violence from the left wing Oregon hipster district to the Montana congressional race.

Take last weeks terrible attack on passengers in Portland. A mentally deranged man screamed at two Muslim women and slit the throats of their defenders. The media saw its narrative perfectly crafted. Except he was aBernie supporting,Jill Stein voting, Trump hating maniac. The New York Daily News instantly declared Trump ignored the incident. The Huffington Post had to one up or should I say20-upthem. Inverse said that Trumps tweet condemning the attackdidnt even exist.

Iwrote about the issuetwo months ago and it only seems to be getting worse. This isnt some sort of game. Its peoples lives and livelihoods played with to reach the front of TMZ or the Huffington Post. Heck, the latter said that violence was logical and apologized to ... you guessed it, liberals.

Its not funny. Its not edgy. Its just wrong.

Where does the atmosphere of delegitimizing an elected government and brushing violence under the rug get you? Well, it gets youthis(editor's note: graphic image).

Kristin Tateis a conservative columnist and author of the book Government Gone Wild: How D.C. Politicians Are Taking You For a Ride And What You Can Do About It. She was recently named one of NewsMaxs 30 Most Influential Republicans Under 30. Follow her @KristinBTate.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.

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OPINION: Kathy Griffin is just the tip of the liberal violence iceberg - The Hill (blog)

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